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"Oh, cut out the comedy," said Lanny. "What was the matter with our team?"
"Search me," replied Fudge, in an injured tone. "We just couldn't get started, it seemed. Logan scored in the first period and the second, and we didn't do anything until about five minutes before the end of the game. Then that fellow Hull shot a forward off to Gordon and Gordie got away with it for about thirty yards. After that they couldn't stop us and Nelson Beaton went over for the touchdown."
"What sort of a game did Logan play?" asked Lanny, plainly disconsolate.
"Fine! They had a grand time running around our ends, or they did until Dick put Gordon Merrick in for Felker. Felker was rotten to-day on defense. Gee, but Gordie played a great little game after he got in! And, say, Lanny, that fellow Hull is a wonder! You ought to have seen the way he fooled those fellows on quarterback runs! It was fine!"
"It must have been if we got licked like that!" said Lanny. "Was McCoy good?"