simple. Plays that use only two men are a heap
better than those requiring half a dozen to mess around and get in each other's way. Now, here's this No. 8. I like that, Lanny. Was that yours?"
Lanny shook his head regretfully. "No, that's one that Corwin sprang on us last Fall. I changed it a bit, that's all. They pulled it off from a forward-pass formation, but that seemed to me to limit it a good deal. I thought it would be a good play to work from regular formation."
"I think it would. And if we can get that formation of ours to working right it would be a good play to add to that 4 and 5 sequence. We'll lay it aside for now, though. What we want for the next fortnight is about three more plays outside of tackle. Now let's get busy."
The Twenty-fifth of October Fund Committee met as arranged on Wednesday night, all members present save Grace Lovering, whose regrets were formally expressed by Dick.
"She isn't sick, is she?" asked Louise concernedly.
"Not at all," replied Dick gravely. "She is in most robust health. To relieve your kind anxiety, Louise, I'll state that to-night is bread-making night at our house."