there was no contradicting the assertion so loudly
made that the team had lost one of its best men. Dick's course in insisting on physical examinations for the candidates was labeled absurd.
"What's the good," fellows asked, "of reviving that rot? If Faculty is satisfied why do we need to complain? And look what the result is! One of the best players we had lost to us!"
Nor was the explanation of Dick's friends that it was good policy to take no chances with fellows physically weak and so liable to injury accepted as sufficient. "Lovering's too much of a granny for this job," was the answer. "He ought to be coaching the grammer school team!"
On Thursday Dick began the formation of a First Squad—Squad A he called it—and to it he gathered an even two dozen. The balance he formed into Squad B. There were some surprises in that partitioning. Page Kent, right guard in the Highland Hall game, was relegated to Squad B, as was Jack Toll, right end. Guy Felker, who had always played half or fullback, was tried out as end, and Fudge Shaw was made unintelligible for days by being placed on Squad A amongst the candidates for the position of guard. Harry Par-