Peter was doing his Latin, he thought it would be nice to be learning History like Bobbie. Bobbie would have preferred Arithmetic, which was what Phyllis happened to be doing, and Phyllis of course thought Latin much the most interesting kind of lesson. And so on.
So, one day, when they sat down to lessons, each of them found a little rhyme at its place. I put the rhymes in to shew you that their Mother really did understand a little how children feel about things, and also the kind of words they use, which is the case with very very few grown-up people. I suppose most grown-ups have very bad memories, and have forgotten how they felt when they were little. Of course the verses are supposed to be spoken by the children.
How very soft I must have been!
When they start Cæsar with a chap
He little knows what that will mean.
Oh, verbs are silly stupid things.
I'd rather learn the dates of kings!
Is learning who succeeded who