I was only thinking that if you had plenty of steam
you might try sprints and hurdles both. All we'd have to do would be to set the hurdles up. I know where they're kept. Then
""Now, look here," laughed Perry, "I'm willing to make a fool of myself trying the hundred-yard dash, Fudge, but I'm not going to keep you entertained all the rest of the afternoon."
"All right, we'll just try the hundred and the two-twenty."
"No, we won't either. We'll just try the hundred. Will those shoes fit me? And oughtn't they to have spikes?"
"Sure, they ought, but they haven't. We'll have to make allowance for that, I guess. And they'll have to fit you because they're all we've got. I guess you wear about the same size that I do. Here we are! Now we'll go around to the Louise Street side; there's a place there we can climb easily."