They were putting down a two-block stretch
of new macadam on the Lafayette Street
extension. A bed of cracked stone, freshly
sprinkled, was receiving the weighty attention of
the town's biggest steam roller as Lanny White
strolled around the corner. Chug-chug-chug!
Scrunch-scrunch-scrunch! Lanny paused, hands in
pockets, and looked on. Back and forth went
the roller, the engineer skillfully edging it toward
the center of the road at the end of each trip.
Further down the street, where the workmen were
tearing up the old dirt surface, a second and much
smaller roller stood idle, its boiler simmering and
purring. Lanny smiled.
"Me for the little one," he muttered, as he walked toward the smaller roller. The engineer was a huge, good-natured looking Irishman with a bristling red mustache, so large that he quite dwarfed the machine. He had a bunch of dirty cotton waste in