The Old Stone House.
"We can go again to-morrow night, can't we, Hugh?"
"I suppose so; if you can get away unobserved."
"Of course I can. Oh, it is such fun ! I like it better than anything I ever did, Hugh ; and you are a dear good fellow to teach me."
"Teach you!" exclaimed Hugh, with a laugh; "that's good! Why, you took to it as a duck takes to water. What a glorious gallop we have had ! By the way, Bessie, Gideon Fish would look well on horseback ! "
"Or Graham Marr," said Bessie laughing. " I do believe he is on the piazza with Sibyl this very moment."
"If he is, I propose we extinguish him. Out, little candle/' said Hugh, striking a dramatic attitude.
"You won't be gone long, Hugh ? "
"No ; the man will be waiting at the road."
"Then I will run upstairs, lock up my riding-skirt, and come down and wait for you."