permission thereto, but my excuse must be, that I hoped I would not be denied what Dr. Eck was boasting had been already granted to him.
I plead that your Grace will graciously forgive my offense.
May God mercifully spare and uphold your Highness. Amen. Your Electoral Grace’s obedient chaplain,
February 20, 1519.
My greeting! I often reproach myself, my excellent Herr Doctor, for writing so seldom, having received so many kind messages from you. But my excuse must again be the mass of work which weighs me down.
Up till now our Eck has been able to restrain his wrath against me, but now he is letting it have full scope.
God alone, who is in the midst of the gods, knows what will be the outcome of this conduct. Neither Eck nor I am working for ourselves alone. It seems to me as if all this proceeded solely from the will of God. I often say that up till now it has only been child’s play.
But from henceforth I must proceed in earnest against the Roman pontiff and Romish pride.
I commend to you, most warmly and in all unselfishness, Udalrich, our Pindar, that excellent and learned man. You will try to help him, seeing he is your compatriot, and speak highly of him to your counsellors — perhaps they may deem him worthy of some assistance.
We hear that the Suabian league is rebelling against the Duke of Wurtemburg. Melancholy outlook!
May God not rebuke us in His wrath, but chasten us according to His tender mercy. Amen! Greet all our friends. I herewith commend you to God.
Wittenberg. Augustinian. (Schutze.)