and intercession, so that my offering may be acceptable in God’s sight.
And, lastly, I would remind you that you pass our cloister, and must not seek other quarters! But one of our cells must content you.
May you be preserved in Christ Jesus our Lord! In our cloister at Erfurt.
Martin of Mansfield.
I scarcely like to moot it, but if it were not beneath the dignity of their order, and did not give too much trouble, I would esteem the presence of the members of the College at my ordination at Erfurt a great honour.
To John Braun
Luther had been hurriedly summoned by Frederick the Wise, on the recommendation of Staupitz, to be Professor in Wittenberg in 1508; he apologizes for not bidding adieu.
March 17, 1509.
To the saintly and Right Reverend Father in God, Herr John Braun, priest in Eisenach, my beloved lord and father.
Greeting from Brother Martin Luther, the Augustinian monk!
Stop wondering, honoured father, that I stole secretly away from you as if no friendship existed between us, or as if I had been ungrateful enough to root out of my heart all remembrance of your great kindness to me, or let a rough north wind blow away my love for you. Indeed it is not so, although my actions may lead you to suppose this.
I have certainly left—that I must confess, and yet I have not gone away, for the best part of me, at all times, remains with you.
For although I have departed in body, I am ever with you in thought wherever you are, and I hope you will never feel differently towards me from what you do now.