great danger to unite outwardly where the people are not of one mind. But I do not wish my opinion to stand in the way, for God knows how to turn the thoughts of the pious as well as of the enemy and of all men to good account when He desires to be gracious. Martin Luther. (De Wette.) CCCXLIV To THE Margrave George of Brandenburg As Luther was too weak to go to Eisenach, Capito, Bucer, and Myconius went to Wittenberg, May 21. Myconius relates that Luther preached on Ascension Day, " Go ye into all the world and preach," etc. — a glorious sermon. On the 25th the form of the Concord was signed by all in the lodging of Christian Goldschmied's widow, and on Sabbath, 28th, Biicer, Capito, etc., partook of the Sacrament with the Wittenberg people. May 29, 1536. Grace and peace in Christ, Most Serene High-born Prince, most gracious Lord ! I have received two gracious communications from your Grace. The first, informing me that God had called away your gracious father, Count Frederick, was very pleasing to me ; for I saw in what high honour you held him, seeing you announced it to so insignificant a person as myself, for it was known how highly you esteemed your illustrious father in his lifetime. The other, asking about the students studying here, many of whom your Grace supports, I can only say things are going on well, the loitering about the streets and the noise at nights not being, God be praised, so bad as of yore. But your Electoral Grace may depend on me letting you know if any one distinguishes himself in this way, and sending him home, as I have done more than once. But I often am not told of things done in secret, although they are diligently spread abroad. Your Electoral Grace will be kept informed of all that is taking place here concerning the Sacrament, by the princes, lords, and
preachers who have anything to do with the matter, for