send me not poetical dreams but songs, which will give me great pleasure. You understand. I wish to talk German, my gracious Herr Wenzel, if it be not too difficult or too tiresome, too high flown or too deep. I beg of you to ask a boy to collect all German pictures, rhymes, songs, books, etc., which have been painted, composed, and printed by your German poets and printers this year, for I have a reason for asking this. We can make Latin books here ourselves, but we are busy learning to write German books, which we hope to make so good that every one shall be pleased with them. Farewell in Christ. Pray for me. The Lord be with you and yours. Greet all our people. Martin Luther. CCCXLI Luther writes to his Honoured Brother in Christ, Martin Bucer Concerning the Congress. March 25, 1536. Grace and peace in Christ ! I must write shortly to you, dear Herr Brother, because for fourteen days I have been prostrate with a dreadful cough, and have hardly begun to recover. As to our Congress^ this is our opinion. Our Elector has chosen Eisenach as the place of meet- ing, being close to Hesse. Julius Menius is superintendent there. The fourth Sabbath after Easter seems to me the most convenient. Discuss it with your friends and let me know. Were the third or any other more convenient for you, we have no objections. Only let Brentius, Schnepf, and any one else you wish to have, hear through you. I shall inform Osiander and the other NOrnberg people, but leave you to inform the South Germans, May you prosper in Christ ; pray for me. Martin Luther.
(Walch, 19. 2526.)