post for Christopher Strobel when you can. He is an excellent man, as you know, and cannot live in the swamps here without injury to his health, being used to mountain air. Neither our meats nor drinks suit him, and we must not be angry with him on this account, for who knows how long any of us may be spared in Wittenberg with such strange meat and drink ? With you the air is better, and you live nearer the birds in the heavens, whereas we are too near the fish of the sea, or rather the abysses of the earth ; hence we have worse food. I wish I could help Herr Hausmann from such a low-lying place to better air, for it is not good that his declining years should be spent amid the smells which abound in this place. So do help me. Greet your wife and olive branches from me, and pray for me. Martin Luther. (Walch, V. 21. 1265.) CCCXXIII To HiERONYMUS WeLLEr's SiSTER Concerning the Sacrament. March 7, 1535. The grace of God and peace of Christ, honoured and virtuous lady ! Your brother has told me how earnestly you desire to enjoy the much- prized sacrament of the Lord's Supper in both kinds, and wish to know if it may be privately partaken of in your own house. And although this was usual in the Papacy, I cannot advise it for the sake of the example to others. For through time every one might so take advantage of the permission, that at length the churches would be empty, instead of being the meeting-place of all, where they make a public profession of their faith. But if you are set upon it, and like to risk it, your conscience approving, then do it in God's name, to whom I commit you with mv poor prayers. Martin Luther.
(De Wctte.)