Philip also says he will not take up this work on his own responsibility. It is too great for even two or three of our most prominent men to accomplish, so it seems as if our Philip's journey would be fruitless. I stick to my conviction even should the globe burst about my head. Therefore come to me as soon as you can. I commit you to God. Martin Luther. (SchQtze.) cccxvi To Justus Jonas Luther announces the birth of a daughter. December 17, 1534. I wish you happiness, my Jonas, on your ailment having left you, and I hope it may never return. Amen. I must inform you that at twelve o'clock to-day my third daughter was born. Prince Joachim of Anhalt was to be sponsor, but the weather may prevent his coming. I wish you could be at the feast, if your health permit. Magister George will have informed you ot my opinion, which I communicated to Philip. The more I ponder upon it, the greater is my distrust of this very doubtful union, for they are so divided among themselves. They wTote me that the Herzog of Wurtemburg thinks so highly of Schnepf ^ and Blaurer. If this be so, what can be expected from this part of North Germany } Martin Luther. (SchOtze.) CCCXVII To Prince Joachim of Anhalt Luther retains his Roman Catholic views on baptism. December 17, 1534. Grace and peace. Most Serene High-born Prince, most gracious Lord ! The Almighty God has just be- stowed a daughter on me through my dear Kathie. Now, as your Grace promised to stand sponsor on this occasion, ^ Schnept and Blaurer, two Reformed theologians of WOrtemburg, who had
leanings towards Luther's views of the sacrament.