discomfiture and wrath of the Papists. Amen. Amen i Your Serene Highness's obedient Martin Luther. (De Wette.) CCCXIV To Nicolas Hausmann Letter of congratulation. November 17, 1534. To my brother, Herr N. Hausmann, grace and peace ! We are almost beside ourselves with joy at God's good- ness in bestowing a son and heir upon the best of princes. Pray give him our warmest congratulations, and assure him that we pray that God, who has given him this blessing, may perfect it to His honour and for the welfare of the land. God grant this. There is nothing new in regard to the new king in Monster and his apostles, whom he sent to Susat, of whom eight have been beheaded. In North Germany there seems a movement against the Imperial ban, which the Supreme Court is about to declare against the Zwinglian towns. I trust they are not aiming at us. Christ reigns and cares for us. Amen. I commit you to Him, and pray for me too. Tuesday after St. Martin's Day. Martin Luther. (Schatze.) cccxv To Justus Jonas Luther wishes to discuss peace proposals with the Zwinglians. December 16, 1534. Grace and peace to you, dear Jonas, but death to your stone, through the power of Christ. I am most anxious to have a talk with you and others before Herr Philip sets out, only you cannot come to me, nor I to you. What I draw up to-morrow shall be written down, and I shall retain a copy to show you and the others. For in this 1 shall not act alone, although I fear no agreement
can be arrived at between them and us.