under a strict disciplinarian, and had a great deal to do and put up with. Still you must not rely on my judgment or that of anyone else, but must see her for yourself in favorable surroundings. For there is nothing special in her personal appearance, it being rather ordinary, if you wish good looks. Farewell in the Lord, and pray for me. As yet we are, God be praised, all well. MARTIN LUTHER . (Walch, 5:21. 1233.)
TO THE ELECTOR JOHN OF SAXONY The Turks threatened war. The Emperor consented to peace negotiations being opened in Frankfort in June, but the Elector was emphatic as to purity of doctrine being maintained, which was secured by the Schmalkald league to the Protestants. August 14, 1531.
Grace and peace, Most Serene High-born Prince, most gracious Lord! The learned Dr. Bruck gave me your greeting, with the request that I would pray for your Electoral Grace. I humbly thank you for the greeting, and for all the unmerited favors you have showered upon me. But it is my duty to pray for your Grace, and I have always done so both in the pulpit and secretly in my closet, and shall continue to do so as long as I live, for it would be a sin if I gave it up, knowing how much you have to endure, both outwardly and inwardly, and how heavy your burden is. But the great and gracious God, who has counted you worthy to suffer so much for His Word, and to bear so many burdens connected with the State, will not forsake you, for He has said, “Cast thy burden on the Lord, and he will sustain thee,” which He has hitherto so marvelously done, especially in regard to the late Diet. I shall also faithfully serve your dear son, Herzog Ernest. May Christ guard you on your proposed journey, and forever!
Amen. Your Electoral Grace’s obedient MARTIN LUTHER .