and partake of the sacrament without scruple, for the Word and sacrament is, and remains, a God-like thing. But do not praise or acquiesce in their shameful doings. For, seeing they are installed, it is not your place to remove them publicly from office or to avoid them till the Prince issues his decree. I commit you to God, that He may strengthen you in this and all tribulation. MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)
TO MICHAEL STIEFEL Luther announces a visit at the cherry season.
June or July.
Grace and peace! Many greetings, dear Michael. I know of nothing to write about, so, in case of burdening you, do not write, but wished to send you this greeting as a letter, and to announce that, if God will, we shall shortly pay a visit to your cherries, with a number of cherry-loving boys.
Farewell in the Lord. MARTIN LUTHER . (Walch, 5:21. 1238.)
TO BERNARD VON DOLEN Concerning the marriage of this preacher.
July 13, 1531.
Grace and peace! My Kathie greets you, dear Bernard. She orders me to write you. What you write of the carelessness of the preachers and the contempt of the peasants is only too true. Here patience is not only salutary but indispensable. I laud your resolution to marry, but see that the manse is first built, so that you may occupy it alone with your wife. For it is an insufferable thing to lodge in someone else’s house with a wife. I know the maiden, Hanna Zetzschin, well, and trust she is an upright and estimable person. I also know that she has been well brought up, for she learned housekeeping