the merciful God! Your Grace will graciously accept this letter, for God knows I speak the truth and do not dissemble. I am sorry that Satan is grieving your heart. He is a doleful, disagreeable spirit, who cannot bear to see any one happy, especially in God, so how much less will he suffer your Electoral Highness to be of good courage, for he knows how many depend on you for edification through the living Word in your domains!
So we must stand by you with our prayers and love, for when you are joyous, then we live; but when you sorrow, then we are sick.
But our dear Savior will send the Holy Ghost, the true Comforter, who will protect your Grace against the poisoned darts of this sour, bitter spirit.
Amen. Your Electoral Grace’s obedient MARTIN LUTHER .
Luther speaks of the pilgrimage to Coburg.
June 2, 1530.
Yesterday Hans Reinecke from Mansfeld and George Romer were with me, and today Argula von Staufen.
Now that so many are finding their way here, I intend either not to let it be known I am at home or go out for the day, so that people may think I have left. Pray try to prevent people coming here. I write in Johannine haste, for I shall remain hidden. They say the bishops will succeed in postponing the Reichstag till, at least, the provisions are all consumed, compelling the people to return home.
The Emperor is using every device to prevent the Elector of Treves coming to the Diet. Farewell. MARTIN LUTHER .
Luther speaks of his father’s death.
June 5, 1530.
Grace and peace in Christ! In my last I complained,