Luther speaks of his Biblical work, etc.
February 25, 1530.
Grace and peace in Christ! Your last letter, dear Hausmann, was a great pleasure to me because of that noble simplicity of spirit which characterises all you write, as well as being an expression of your hearty goodwill towards myself. Please draw out once more a list of what your church requires. For it must always be before me, as I cannot burden my memory with it, so that when I have leisure and the opportunity I might fulfill your desires. My mind being so occupied with my daily concerns, it is forgotten, and time passes without your wishes being attended to.
We are busy with the publication of Daniel, as a consolation in those latter days. We have also undertaken Jeremiah and the rest of the prophets.
We shall offer the New Testament for sale at the approaching Fair (Messe) in Frankfort, and in such a way as to create fresh alarm among the Papists.
For we have written a long preface to the Apocalypse, and furnished it with notes. Continue to pray for us.
My Kathie sends friendly greetings. MARTIN LUTHER .
March 5, 1530.
Grace and peace in the Lord! I am delighted with your zeal as to the true teaching of the sacrament, and read your treatise. Perhaps your ideas on…are a little sharp, but what of that when nothing will convince them? When I have time I shall write on the 6th chapter of John; and is it strange if I sometimes write vehemently?