Greet Dr. Johann Ruhel and his wife, Conrad the scribe, and Johann Durer.
I now thank the last for the fur coat! I have just received it. It is far too expensive. I shall write him.
Farewell to all in the Lord. Amen. MARTIN LUTHER .
About his literary work.
October 14, 1526.
Grace and peace! I have nothing new, dear Nicolas, to send you, for the little book about war is not through the press yet. I intend beginning Zechariah after Habbakuk and Jonah are finished.
Ecclesiastes gives us an immense deal of trouble, just as if he did not wish to be read, and yet was compelled to submit. It has been much too long in obscurity. You are right in saying the world is going to ruin.
But I hope the day of the coming of the Great God is approaching, for we hear only of fires, murders, and fury over all. May all go well with you, and pray for me. MARTIN LUTHER .
Sister of Charles V. Her husband fell fighting against the Turks in August. Luther dedicated Psalms 37,62, 94, and 109 to her.
November 1, 1526.
To Her Serene Highness Frau Maria, born Queen of Spain, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. My most gracious lady! Grace and comfort from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! Most gracious queen. I determined, at the instigation of some pious people, to dedicate those four Psalms to your Majesty as an exhortation, joyfully, to maintain and further God’s Holy Word