myself to your Holiness, and may Jesus keep you to all eternity. Amen.
Luther does not sign this, his third letter to the Pope, evidently not wishing the consideration due to an Augustinian monk to be taken into account.
Luther rejoices that Spalatin at length sees one cannot rely on man. The Pope’s Bull reached Wittenberg on October 11.
November 4, 1520
Salvation! I wonder how it is, my dear Spalatin, that you do not get my letters, for I have written twice and got no answer. I am glad you now see that the Germans’ hopes are in vain, and that you are learning not to trust in princes, and are disregarding the world’s judgment whether it praises or condemns my cause. If the gospel could be promoted or maintained by worldly powers God would not have committed it to fishermen.
No, my dear Spalatin, it is not the work of the princes and high priests of this world to protect the Word of God — therefore I crave no one’s protection, for they would rather require to help one another against the Lord and His Christ.
But I am sorry for those who have heard and known God’s Word, for they cannot, without risking everlasting perdition, deny or forsake the same, and it is much to be feared that many, with ourselves, may be found among them — therefore let us pray for courage.
It is very hard to be of a different opinion from all the bishops and princes, but it is the only way to avoid God’s wrath and hell.
I would, if you did not so press me, commit the whole business to God, so that He might arrange matters according to the counsel of His will.
Do what the Spirit bids you, and farewell.
Martin Luther, Augustinian.