having seen on him some years before. He received
me with great affability, asked me to sit down, and conversed about mutual acquaintances. He did not ask me to join him in his lunch, for which I was not sorry, but he did ask me to have a glass of wine. He said:
"Can I offer you a glass of pam wine?"
"I beg your pardon, I didn't quite catch. . . ."
"Will you take a glass of pam wine?"
I said, "I don't quite know what you mean."
"You don't know pam wine? It is the sap of the pam tree; the natives bring it round to sell. It is very refreshing."
He meant that horrible emetic known as palm wine, and I declined with thanks.
The subjects of this monarch said that he kept no servants, and made a police orderly do all the house-*work. I saw nobody at all. They added that he gave a small dinner once a quarter, and that everybody ate a good square meal before going to it, because they knew that they would not get enough to satisfy hunger at his table. All these West African Governors neglect their duty in the matter of entertaining, though they receive a special table allowance of £500 a year for that purpose. A circular from the Colonial Office pointing out that that money is intended