*feathers of parrots, and the captain of the steamer
said that the people had put this up after having seen a red-haired trader who had once paid them a visit.
While wandering about I discovered a thick growth of trees and bushes inclosed with a bamboo fence; this was the great fetish-ground of Badagry, and I proceeded to pull down a piece of the fence, and look in. I saw inside the usual heap of rubbish, broken pots, broken knives, broken stools, and human skulls, and, in addition, spear-heads, arrows, and bamboo shields. I thought I would like to take a few of these things away as curios, and had begun pulling down more of the fence, so that I might pass through, when I was disturbed by hearing somebody shout:
"Heigh, you there! You bess stop that."
I looked round and observed a negro, attired in European apparel, rapidly coming towards me. He seemed very much alarmed, and said:
"These people here are very partic'lar 'bout their fetish. If they was to see you now they would kill you p'raps."
I said—"Bosh: this town belongs to the English."
"I tell you for true, Sir. Myself I'm Christian like you: I follow the Lord; I don't care for fetish. But these people here are very bad people, very partic'lar.