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INDEX Speyer, 368, 422 Spice Islands, 611 Spices, 342, 409, 611 Spiritual Franciscans, 561 Spoleto, Duchy of, 156, 169, 171, 196, 462 Squires, 252 Stabat Mater, 392 Stained glass, 424, 426-28, 430, 432- 33, 435, 587, 601 Stamford Bridge, battle of, 276 Stanze, of Raphael, 607 Staple, Statute of the, 518 Star Chamber, Court of, 629 Statistics, 583 Statutes, 484; and see Laborers, Praemunire, Provisors, Staple, Trea- son, De hceretico comburendo, etc. Steelyard, 543 Stephen, King of England, 278, 293, 474-75 Stephen, St., King of Hungary, 228, 301,456 Stephen VI, King of Serbia, 554 Stilicho, 77-80, 82, 85-86 Stoics, 22, 31, 62, 97, 99, 115 Stourbridge, 368 Strassburg, growth of commune, 368- 70. 538; cathedral, 430, 432 Strassburg Oaths, 211, 399 Streets, of ancient city, 25-26, 36; of Bagdad, 184-85; for Slavs in Ger- man towns, 307; gilds and, 331; of the medieval town, 337-38, 340; fights in, 348; of "New Towns," 363; paving, 367, 494; of German towns, 368 Stubbs, Bishop, quoted, 511, 639 Student life, 392, 396 Studium and studium generate, 390 Style, literary, 589-90 Styria, 307, 537-38 Suabia, see Swabia Subinfeudation, 244-45, 253, 257, 259 Sub-vassals, 245, 257, 259, 268, 271, f 274-75,277 Suetonius, 39, 103 Suevi, 79, 81, 91, 118 Soger, Abbot, 267-68 Suidas, 148 Sulla, 70 Sultan, 309-10, 344, 468, 549, 554 Sumatra, 393 Sun-worship, 70, 72, 106 Superstition, ancient, 33, 39, 64; early German, 127; Norse, 216-17; m Italian cities, 371; in medieval learning, 387; of Louis XI, 624, 629 Sussex, 220 Swabia, 262, 539, 541; an d ^ Ala . mannia Swabian Alps, 540 Swabian league of cities, 539, 541 Sweden and Swedes, 40, 217-18, 223- 24, 228, 369, 532, 543, 546 Swein, King of Denmark and Eng- land, 275 Swiss, Swiss Confederation, and Swit- zerland, 167, 340, 532, 537, 541-42, 547, 568, 620-23, 626, 631, 637-39 Sworn inquest, 205-06, 222, 477-78 Syagrius, 88-90, 118 Sylvester I, Pope, 198 Sylvester II, 375; and see Gerbert Symbolism in Christian art, 113, 148, 432, 601-02 Symbols of ecclesiastical office, 284 Symeon, King of Bulgaria, 229 Symeon Stylites, 111-12 Sympathetic attitude in history, 6, 489, 590-91 Synesius of Cyrene, 106 Synod of Whitby, 167; for other sy- nods, see Church councils Syracuse, 26, 226 Syria, 19, 23, 64, 79, 11 1; Byzantine, 143, 150-51; Mohammedan, 176- 77, 180-81, 184, 190; during the crusades, 308-09, 313, 316-18, 320- 22, 324-26, 357, 401, 453, 465-66, 549, 554, 557 Syriac, 182, 407 Syrians, 181; in Bagdad, 184; in Spain, 187; Christian, 320 Taboo, 4, 175 Taborites, 569-72 Tabor, Mount, 570-71 Tabriz, 550 Tacitus, 41-49, 53, 58, 66, 103, 252 Taille, 623, 629 ^ - Tamerlane, see Timur Tarik, 178-79 Tarsus, 150 Tartars, 58, 224, 548, 550, 557; and see Mongols Tasso, 593 Taxation, 5; Roman, 29, 34, 66, 71, 73, 9I-9 2 , I0 5, 155; German, 49, 121-22; Byzantine, 135, 141, 195? Frankish, 193, 203-04; Moham- medan, 177-78, 186-87; in Scan- dinavia, 218, 546; feudal, 257; Nor- man, 277, 479; in towns, 334, 362- 64, 367, 498, 582, 585; in Sicily, 469; papal, 455-56, 471, 496, 560- 61, 567, 573; English, 481-82, 485, 518, 523-24, 629; French, 494, 496, 498-503, 5I9-2I, 524, 623; by Es- tates, 488; German, 533, 538, 540, 615, 622; Mongol, 551; Burgundian, 617-18

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