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677 Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, 639-41, 553, 556, 567-71, 603, 615 Sigismund of Hapsburg, 621 Signorelli, 605 Silesia, 307, 55* "52 Silk, 149, 383 Silverius, Pope, 133 Simon Magus, 284 Simon de Montfort, 445, 450 Simon de Montfort, son of the above, 483-84 Simony, 283-85, 287, 292, 471, 504, 562-63 Sinai, Mount, 608 Sion, bishop of, 542 Siricius, Pope, 107 Sirmium, 151 Sistine Chapel, 606-07 Sites of castles and towns, 247, 328- 29, 337 Sixtus IV, Pope, 607 Skaldic poetry, 42 Skeletons, 4, 43 Skulls, 3, 9-10; towers of, 557 Slavery, ancient, 26, 31, 35-37. 63, 67; among early Germans, 43, 47, 52; among nomads, 57; invasions and, 91, 112, 123; early medieval, 155, 164; among Arabs, 172, 174-75, 178, 185, 187, 189; Slavs and slave- trade, 225, 228, 345; 233, 360, 370, 55i, 557 Slavs, 10, 40, 87, 117, 139-40. 150-51. 153. l8 9. 199. 202. 216, 224-25, 228, 262-63, 305, 307, 323. 398 Slavonians, 314 Slavonic languages, Scriptures in, 152, 224 Sloth, Sin of, 563 Sluys, battle of, 513 Social conditions, Roman Empire, 37- 38; early Germans, 43-44, 46-47; Asiatic nomads, 56-57; declining Empire, 66-68, 72-73, 77-78, 91- 94; early Christians, 100, 103; Ger- man kingdoms, 123, 126; Byzan- tine, 132, 141, 148-49, 152-53; monasteries, 161-63; early Ara- bian, 172; Mohammedan, 178, 181- 82, 184-89; Frankish, 212; early Norse, 217-18; manorial, 237; feu- dal, 249-53, 272, 325; in towns, 346- 48, 357, 36o, 365-66, 371 ; as reflected in literature, 404-06, 408, 516-17; in Germany, 616; in Spain, 631-32 Socialism, 616; and see Peasants' Re- volts Societies, 30, 35, 104, 335; learned, 590; religious, 598 Sociology, 5 Socrates, 22, 70, 382 Sofia, 556 Soil, exhaustion of, 60 Soissons, 90, 118, 362, 372 Somerset, House of, 628 Somme River, 88, 513, 526, 620, 626 Song of Roland, 200, 402-03, 415 Sonnet, origin of, 410, 588, 593 Sorbian Mark, 203 Sorbs, 305-06 Sources, historical, 2-4, 7, 20; for Roman Empire, 33, 38-39; for early Germans, 41-42; for decline of Rome, 60, 68-70, 72, 74; for Oriental cults, 64; for German in- vasions and kingdoms, 94, 11 8-19; Byzantine, 130, 148, 309; for Slavic settlements in the Balkan penin- sula, 151; monastic, 162-63; about Mohammed, 172-73; Carolingian, 194, 198-99; for early Russia, 224; for early Balkan states, 229; for life of peasants, 237; for the year 1075, 289; for the crusades, 310-11; for the rise of towns, 327-28; about Innocent III, 434; for the Cathari, 442 ; for St. Francis and St. Domi- nic, 448, 454; for political geography of medieval France, 510; for Hun- dred Years War, 513; after the Black Death, 516; for Swiss confed- . eration, 541 ; Venetian, 583; Floren- tine, 594; for artists of the Renais- sance, 597-98, 606; for voyages of discovery, 609 South America, 610 Southampton, 368 South Seas, 189 Spain and the Spanish peninsula, 4, io-ii, 14-15, 19; Roman, 23, 34; 53-54, 79, 81 , 83, 86, 90-91 , 96, 1 1 1 ; Visigothic, chap, vii, 160, 169; By- zantine, 128, 138, 150; Mohamme- dan, 178-80, 182-90, 198, 200, 209, 212, 223, 227; feudal, 270-73, 287; Christian expansion in, 302-05, 312, 320, 323-34; towns and trade, 327- 28, 336, 358, 366; learning in, 384, 387, 389, 395; language and litera- ture, 399, 401-02, 410; Gothic art in, 430; in the time of Innocent III, 448, 450, 453, 466; pilgrimage of Louis VII to, 492; in the later Mid- dle Ages, 506, 522, 550, 561, 567-68, 574, 609-12, 614, 630-33 Spanish Inquisition, 448 Spanish language, 126, 399, 410 Spanish March, 200, 203, 213, 273 Sparta, 25, 79, 140 Speaker of House of Commons, 522 Spectacles, see Amphitheaters, Amuse' ments, Circus, Eye-glasses

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