INDEX Scaliger, House of, 580 Scanderbeg, 558 Scandinavia, 10-11, 40-4 1 , *9 2 , 217, 224-25, 301, 398, 448, 453, 546-47, 561, 566 Scenery, outside castle and town, 249, 338; in Giotto's paintings, 602; Italian, 605; and see Landscape Schaffhausen, 340 Scheldt, 119 Scheltberger, Hans, 557 Schisms, religious, 108-09, 134; papal, 285, 287, 290-91, 297, 299, 352, 540, 666-68 Scholasticism, 381-82, 393, 515, 563, 589-90, 592 Schools, seejEducation, Learning, Uni- versities Schwyz, canton of, 541-42 Science, and history, 3; Hellenistic, 23; scientific character of Roman law, 30; and Christianity, 1 12-14, 159, 168; Koran and, 181; Anglo- Saxon, 223; medieval, 375, 379, 383, 385-89, 393, 396, 408, 413, 442, 587, 599, 606, 611 Scipio Africanus, 588 Scotch Highlands, 398 Scotch-Irish, 6 Scotland, 11-12, 40, 166, 168, 220, 225, 276, 278, 484-85, 487-88, 499, 503-04, 512, 514, 566-68, 623 Scots, 84, 166 Scriptorium, 163 "Scrutiny," 585 Sculpture, ancient, 2, 21-25, 3 2 ; its decline, 66, 95; early Christian, 113; Byzantine, 147-48; Gothic, 426-30; other medieval, 248, 337, 408, 422-23, 432-33; Renaissance, 587, 698-607, 636 Scutari, 558 Scythians, 53-54, .58 , Sea power, see Shipping Second Crusade, 320-21, 323, 492 Secret History, of Procopius, 128-31, • 135, 141 Secular spirit, rise of, 373 Seigneur, 235, 275 Seigneurial exploitation and regime, 235,241,277,363 Seine River, 12, 17, 219, 266, 275, 363- § e H" l ! e !E' 5 ,°~5i, 127, 535 Seljuk Turks, 309-10, 313, 318, Semitic, 177 Sempach, battle of, 542 Senate, Roman, 26-28, 86, 95, 121, 125; in medieval Italian towns, -$41, m 347, 350, 581 Seneca, 24, 65, 374 549 Senegal, 278, 609 Seneschals, 507-10 Senlac, battle of, 276 Senlis, 266-67, 510 Sens, 510 Sentences, of Peter Lombard, 382, 439 Septimania, 90, 179, 200, 213 Serbia, 229, 453, 455, 549, 554-58 Serbs, 151-52, 308 Serena, 404 Serfdom, 47, 73, 93, 123, 155, 187, 210, 233-38, 241, 246, 259, 277, 301, 305, 486, 523, 534, 546, 572; and see Coloni, Emancipation Sermons, 8, 65, 157-58, 495; and see Preaching Servia, see Serbia Seven crusades, 321 Seven deadly sins, 413 Seven electors, see Electors Seven liberal arts, 124 Seven planets, 413 Seven sacraments, 439 Severinus, St., 11, 116 Seville, 125, 186, 189, 304, 328 Sforza, Francesco, 580 Sforza, Lodovico, 634, 636 Sheriff, 221, 277, 477, 492, 627 Shetland Islands, 12, 166, 220, 276, 395 Shipping, ancient, 19, 34, 73; of the barbarians, 44, 54, 83, 151; Mo- hammedan, 184, 186; Northmen, 218; medieval, 226-27, 313, 318, 322, 325, 341-43, 345-46, 364, 367, 465, 467-68, 513, 522, 543-44, 58i, 583; in the Atlantic, 394~95, 5H, 608-11, 617; and see Piracy Shires, 221, 276-77, 476, 478-79, 481, 484, 488 Shops, 35, 184-85, 338-39 Siam, 393 Sib, 47, 52 Siberia, 56, 557 Sibyls, 607; and see Erythrean Sic et Non, 381-82 Sicilian Vespers, 471, 499 Sicily, ancient, 19-20, 23, 26, 60; dur- ing the invasions, 81, 83, 118; By- zantine, 133, 136, 138, 154-55, J 57, 196, 209; Mohammedan, 180, 216, 226-27, 313; Norman, 225-26, 289, 302, 312; miscellaneous references, 260, 321, 324, 341, 343, 383-84, 40i, 410, 497; Kingdom of, 302, 461-63, 466-73, 482, 496, 586, 626, 630 Sidonius Apollinaris, 124 Siebenbiirgen, 308 Siegfried, 401 Siena, 286, 354, 584, 603, 605 Sierra Leone, 609