67 1 Pensions, 583 People, Roman, 27-28 ; early German, 47-48; Byzantine, 128, 131-33; Slavic, 152; medieval, 313, 347, 409, 417, 440-42, 444-45, 524; English, 459, 522, 563-64, 627, 630; mob of Paris, 520-21; French, 527, 625; sovereignty of, proclaimed, 562; Italian, 578. 582, 585, 635; Spanish, 631 Pepin I, of Landen, 193, 198 Pepin II, of Heristal, 194, 198 Pepin III, King of the Franks, 169, 179, 194-200, 208, 210 Pepin V, King of Aquitaine, 212 Pepin VI, King of Aquitaine, 213 Perfected, of the Cathari, 443 Perigord, 272, 510 Perigueux, 376 Periods of history, 13-15; and see Old stone age, Bronze age, Iron age, Middle Ages, etc. Peronne, 366, 625, 640 Perpendicular architecture, 431 Perpignan, 568 Persecution, of Christians, 100, 104, 114, 116, 187; by Christians, 104- 06, 124, 133, 138, 444,.5.6i, 564, 632; and see Heresy, Inquisition Persia, 40, 58, 64, 69, 76, 109, in, 128, 134. I39-40, 143, 150, 154, 176-78, 180-81, 184, 309, 407, 549, 556, 608 Persian Gulf, 551, 608 Persian language, 10, 407 Persian wars, 128, 139, 150 Personal character of early German law, 52 Perspective, 601, 604 Perugia, 566 Perugino, 598, 605-06 Petchenegs, or Patzinaks, 229-30, 309 Peter the Apostle, 106-07, 197, 208, 286, 440 Peter, King of Bulgaria, 229 Peter II, King of Aragon, 445, 455"56, 488 Peter of Abano, 388, 590 Peter the Hermit, 313-15 Peter Lombard, 382, 439 Peter Waldo, see Waldo Peterborough Cathedral, 423 Petitions of Commons, 485-86, 522 Petrarch, 96, 560, 576, 587-88, 590, 593, 596, 598, 601 Pharaohs, 28 Philanthropy, in Roman Empire, 27? Mohammedan, 185, 188; medieval, 281, 440, 450, 495; and see Patrons Philip, King of Macedon, 22 Philip I, King of France, 267, 270, 314 Philip II, or Augustus, 321, 444, 457, 459-60, 463, 466, 493-94, 498, 502, 508 Philip III, 497-98 Philip IV, or the Fair, 483, 498-608, 512, 538 Philip V, 502 Philip VI, 511-13, 519, 522 Philip II, or of Swabia, Holy Roman Emperor, 461-62, 466 Philip of Dreux, 437 - Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 5 2 .5 Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy, 527, 618, 624, 639 Philip, Archduke of Austria, 632-33 Philology, 590 Philopcemen, 21 Philosophy, ancient, 21, 24, 31, 61- 62, 64, 99, 1 12-14, 124-25, 134; Mohammedan, 181, 189; medieval, 378-82, 384-86, 389, 393, 4ii, 442, 606; and see Greek philosophy Phocas, Byzantine Emperor, 150, 159 Phoenicia, 20, 60, 183 Photius, 148 Phrygia, 64 Physics, 22, 386 Piacenza, 352, 638 Picards, 389 Picts, 11, 40, 84, 166 Piedmont, 580 Piers, Romanesque, 420, 423; Gothic, 424-25, 431 Piers, see The Vision of, the Ploughman Pietro Orseolo II, Doge of Venice, 342 Pilaster strips, 421 Pilate, Pontius, 296 Pile villages, 3-4, 54 Pilgrims, Mohammedan, 174, 176; Christian, 189, 200, 270, 301, 311- 12, 318, 320, 326, 366, 441, 492, 504, 560, 563; pretended, 516 Pinnacles, 429, 435 Piracy, ancient, 25, 31; of Vandals, 83; of Saracens, 189, 226; medieval, 238, 329, 342, 345 Pisa, 313, 318-19, 340-41, 343, 345, 354, 435, 464, 467, 583-84, 601; cathedral of, 421 ; Council of, 567 Pisano, see Niccola Pius II, Pope, 574 Placidia, see Galla Plague, 67, 149, I54"55, 157, 3*3, 3*6, 443, 468, 514-16, 518, 570 Plains of Europe, 11-12 Plantagenet dynasty, 278, 384, 456- 57, 460, 492-93 Plato, 22, 64, 70, 134, 378, 380, 385 Plessis, 624 Pliny the Elder, 24 Plotinus, 64-65, 96