INDEX Pantomime, 65, 126 Papacy, early history, 5, 78, 106-09, 115, 120, 128, 131, 133-34, 152-53, chap, ix, 190; relations with Pepin and Charlemagne, 194-97, 200, 206-10; in feudal period, 262-63, 268, 271, 274, 276, chap, xv, 301- 04, 354; and the crusades, 311-15, 320, 322-24, 417; and Barbarossa, 349-53; and Italian bankers, 355; and culture, 387-88 391, 393, 410, 412,414; under Innocent III, chaps, xxiii, xxiv; and England, 481-83, 496, 518-19, 525; and France, 491, 496-98, 502-07, 514, 529; and Ger- many, 540-41 ; and eastern Europe, 556, 558; and its opponents, chap. XXX; and Italian politics, 577, 584, 586, 634-38; and Italian Renais- sance, 589-90, 592, 59M7, 611, 622 Papal court, 295-96, 434-36, 438, 458, 463,560-61, 566-67,634 Papal infallibility, 288 Papal Inquisition, see Inquisition Papal patrimony, under Gregory the Great, 155 Papal States, 197, 208, 265, 567, 573, 580, 637; and see Patrimony of St. Peter Paper, introduction of, 185 Papinian, 30, 122 Papyrus, 185 Paradise, Mohammedan, 175; Dante's, 412-13 Parallel passages, 575 Parchment, 185 Pardoners and Pardons, see Indul- gences Paris, during the invasions, 90, 118, 179, 219; Capetian, 260, 266-67, 270, 274, 334, 363-64, 366, 370, 423, 492-94, 497, 510; during the Hun- dred Years War, 513, 519-21, 524, 526-27, 529; University of, 379, 381, 385, 3?9-90 434, 458, 546, 561, 567; cathedral of Notre Dame, 432 ; and see Parlement of Paris Parish, church and priest, 237, 282, 437-38, 451-52, 484, 562, 564, 569; as a political unit, 623 Parlamento, 348, 483 Parlement, of Paris, 483, 492, 497, 521,627 Parlements, local, 627 Parliament, 368, 483-86, 488-90, 498- £^1a 504 V: 5I f' 5 l 2 ~ 25 ' 533 ' 538, 562-63, 565, 627, 629-30 Parma, 352, 638 Parsifal, 407 Parthenon, 558 Parthian Kingdom, 40, 53, 69 Partition of fiefs, 245-46, 253 Party strife, in Italian cities, 348, 360, 410, 461, 464, 577; and see Bur- gundians, Orleanists, Lancastrians, Yorkists Paschal II, Pope, 291 Paston Letters, 630 Pastoral Rule, 158, 222 Patarins, see Cathari Patriarch, 106-09, x 56, 190, 195-96; and see Alexandria, Antioch, Con- stantinople, Jerusalem Patrician, title of, 86, 208, 350 Patrick, St., 111-12, 164 Patrimony of St. Peter, 464 Patristic Literature, 21, 65, 92-93, 95-97, 100, 102, 106, 112-14, 116, 157-59, 163, 373-74, 381-82, 385, 397, 593 Patron saints, 335 Patrons, of art, 482, 521, 597; of churches, 282, 437; of learning and literature, 384, 389, 410, 475, 482, 521, 594; of the Italian Renais- sance, 574, 577-78, 585, 592-93, 603 Patzinaks or Petchenegs, 229-30, 309, 3io Paul the Apostle, 99-100, 106, 211 Paul the Deacon, 159 Paulus, the Roman jurist, 122 Pavia, 85, 265, 352-53, 377; Council of, 258 Paynims, 320 Peace, Roman, 27, 29, 98; German tribal, 51; king's, 268; in Flanders, 269; Anglo-Saxon local, 478; land, 534, 538; Castilian local, 631 Peace of Constance, see Constance Peasants, 24, 139-40, 232-39, 241, 243-44, 250, 254, 266, 270, 278-79, 338, 344, 488, 517, 527, 529-30, 546, 570, 572, 578, 585, 616, 622-23, 631 ; and see Emancipation "Peasants' King," 552 Peasants' Revolts, 228, 329, 521, 523- 24, 531, 562, 564, 617 Peking, 393"94, 548, 550 Penalties, 32, 49, 121, 127; monastic, 161, 166; Byzantine, 195-96; of Charlemagne, 202, 206-07; of town courts, 336, 411; of the Inquisition, 447 ; of the Vehm, 534~35 ; of Italian despotisms, 578; of Louis XI, 624- 26; and see Burning at the stake, Imprisonment, Jails Penance, 77, 169, 274, 289-90, 298, 323, 437, 440, 446, 495 Pendentives, 144 Penitentials, 169, 440