665 Louis, King of Hungary and Poland, 552-53 Louis of Orleans, 525-26 Love, 37, 126, 392, 403, 405, 408, 410- n,588 Low Countries, 11, 365-66, 448, 617- 20; and see Belgium, Flanders, Netherlands Low German, 398-99 Lttbeck, 306, 334, 369, 546 Lucca, 354, 566, 584 Lucerne, canton of, 542 ; Lake of, 541- 4 z Lucifer, 413 Lucius, 63 Lunatics, 516, 565 note; and see sanity- Lute, 404 Luther, Martin, 115, 638 Lutterworth, 564 Luxemburg, Duchy of, 616, 620 Luxemburg, House of, 538-40, 552 Luxeuil, 166-67 Luxury, prehistoric, 4; ancient, 41, 61 ; of declining Roman Empire, 92-94; early medieval, 126; early Arabian, 172; of Mohammedan courts, 182; trade in, 225; of courts of southern France, 404; of St. Francis's youth, 448-49; of the Italian Renaissance, 599 Luzern, see Lucerne Lyons, 333, 443, 506; Council of, 470- 7 1 Lyric poetry, Greek, 21; medieval, 403-06, 410; Renaissance, 593 Macedon and Macedonia, 22-23, 79, 151,554,556 . Macedonian dynasty, in Byzantine Empire, 309 Machiavelli, Niccolo, 578-80, 594, 596, 635-36, 640 Machicolations, 247 Machinery, Roman, 35 ; Byzantine, 1 85 Macon, 510 Madagascar, 393 Madeira Islands, 394, 609-10 Madonnas, 605 Magdeburg, 368 ; Archbishop of, 307 Magic, in Roman religion, 4; in Ro- man Empire, 33, 36; in ancient medicine, 38; in early German reli- gion, 45, 400; and Neo-Platonism, 65; transformations, 114; in Salic Law, 127; Arabian, 183, 387; Norse, 216; reputations, 375, 384, 412; and science, 387; in literature, 400-01, 406-07 ; and see Witchcraft Magna Carta, 459, 479-81, 485, 4S8- 90, 500, 533 Magyars, 11, 58, 216, 227-32, 262, 301, 308, 548, 556; and see Hun- gary Main River, 42 Maine, County or Duchy of, 276, 457, 494, 497, 508, 626 Mainz, 264-65, 368, 422, 594; Synod at, 285; archbishop of, 532 Major domus, see Mayor of the Palace Majorian, Roman Emperor, 91-92 Malacca, 608 Malaga, 189 Malaria, 60 Malatesta, Gismondo, 580 Malocello, Lancelot, 394 Mamelukes, 549, 557 Man, age of, 3; and see Brotherhood of, Manfred, 470-71 Manichaeism, 96, 442-44 Manners, 315, 348, 405, 587, 592, 594, 607, 623, 636, 638 ; and see Chivalry, Courtesy, Knighthood, Social con- ditions Manor, 235-38, 259, 327, 333, 337, 344, 348, 486, 508, 515, 630; and see Villa Manorial court, 235, 237, 259, 278-79, 330, 336, 475, 486, 563 Mans, Le, 280 Mansus, 233, 235; indominicatus, 236 Mantes, 363 Mantua, 352, 580, 603; Synod of, 287 Manufactures, see Industry Manuscripts, 7, 55, 162-65, l6 7, 185, 211, 223, 375, 382, 399, 588-89, 594, 601; and see Illumination Manzikert, battle of, 309 Maps, 394-96, 587, 610 Marble, 72-73, H5, 217, 421, 599 Marcel, Etienne, 519-21 March, or Mark, 200, 203, 264 Marcian, Roman Emperor, 85-86 Marco Polo, 393-94, 396, 550, 607 Marcomanni, 53 Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperof 53, 62, 67, 97-98 Mare, Peter de la, 522 Margaret of York, 618 Margraves, 203, 534 Marianus Scotus, 376 Maries, Three, 409 Marignano, battle of, 638 Mariner's compass, invention of, 16, 223, 388, 394, 396, 587 Maritime, see Shipping and Voyages Mark, see March, St. Mark Markets, 25, 184-85, 327, 337, 358, 362, 365, 367, 494 Marmora, Sea of, 138 Marne River, 266