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INDEX Leonardo of Pisa, 386; and see Vinci, Leonardo da Lepers, 449~50, 495 Les villes neuves, 363-64 Lesser Armenia, see Armenia Letters of, Cassiodorus, 119, 124; Gregory the Great, 155; Gregory VII, 289; Psellus, 309; crusaders, 310; Gerbert, 375; Innocent III, 434, 454; Asiatic travelers, 550; Petrarch, 588, 596; and see Paston Letters Letters of credit, 325, 355 Letts, 139, 532, 544 Levant, 401 Libraries, largest ancient, 22; monas- tic, 125, 163, 167, 375; Arabian, 182, 188-89; early medieval, 381; uni- versity, 391; Charles the Wise's, 521 ; Vatican, 574; effect of printing on, 594 Libyans, 79; and see Berbers, Moors Liege, 270, 618; bishopric of, 365, 524, 618 Lille, 365 Limburg, Duchy of, 616 Limoges, 218, 366 Limousin, 272, 510 Lincoln, Abraham, 16 Lincoln Cathedral, 432 Lindisfarne, 166-67 Lippi, Fra Lippo, 598 Lisbon, 188, 366, 394, 610-11 Literary criticism, 590 Literature, 16; Arabian, 182; of feu- dalism, 251, 253, 327-28; and pope, 288; and crusades, 310; and towns, 328, 337, 364, 367, 37i; medie- val, 325, chap, xxi, 434, 475, 515, 521,586; Renaissance, 576, 611,626, 634; and see Greek, Latin, Patris- tic, Anglo-Saxon, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Proven- cal, etc. Lithuania, 139, 544-46, 551-53, 568 Little Armenia, see Armenia Liturgy, 374 Liutprand, King of the Lombards, 196-97 Liutprand, historian, 375 Liverpool, 220 Lives of Illustrious Men, 38, 597 Lives of the Painters, 597 Lives of the Saints, 109, 113, 116, 159, 170,409,432,563 Lives of the Twelve Coesars, 39 Livonia, 184, 544 Local government, Frankish, 203, 219; Anglo-Saxon, 221-22, 474; English, 476-78, 516; French, 490, 627; Ger- man . 533-36; Spanish, 631-32 Loches, 624 Lodi, 352 Logic, 22, 124-25, 379-8o, 393, 592 Loire River, 12, 17, 85, 88, 90, 198, 271,273-74, 358, 372, 401,408, 494, 517, 527 Lollards, 564-65 Lollianus, 70 Lombard communes, 346-66, 368, 468-70, 473 Lombard League, 352~53, 362, 461, 469-70 Lombard, Peter, see Peter Lombard Street, 355 Lombards, 118, 122, 136, 140, 150, !54~57, i59-6o, 169-70, 192, 195- 97, 199-200, 207-08, 212, 226, 240, 260, 265, 341, 348, 375, 471, 633; as bankers, 355, 500 Lombardy, 170-71, 213, 227, 341, 349- 50, 353-54, 375, 442, 464, 468, 605 London, 220, 276, 355, 367-68, 482, 517, 523, 543, 562 Long bow, 514 Lordship, theories of, feudal, 259; Wyclif's, 563 Lords, House of, 484-86, 501, 522 Lord's Prayer, 387 Lord's Supper, 569; and see Mass Lorraine, 213, 262, 270, 314, 508, 528, 538, 620-21, 625 Lorris, 372, 408 Lot, election by, 585 Lotario de Segni, see Innocent III, Pope Lothair, Frankish Emperor, 204, 212- Lotharingia, 213, 262 Louis, or Clovis, 90; and see Clovis Louis the Pious, 204, 209-10, 212, 280 Louis the German, King of the East Franks, 212-13 Louis II, Frankish Emperor in Italy, 227, 261 Louis the Child, King of the East Franks, 227, 262 Louis V, last reigning Carolingian, 266 Louis VI, or the Fat, King of France, 267-68, 274, 360-61, 491-92, 494 Louis VII, King of France, 278, 297, 320, 352, 492-94 Louis VIII, 445, 494-95 Louis IX, or Saint, 322, 445, 495-500, 507, 5io Louis X, 502, 517 Louis XI, 511, 614, 618-21, 623-27, 629, 634, 640 Louis XII, 634, 636-37 Louis IV, of Bavaria, Holy Roman Emperor, 539-4°, 561, 575

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