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INDEX 177, 1 80, 190, 301, 3iiĀ» 318-23, 413, 440, 466, 469; Kingdom of, 318-20, 322, 467 Jesters, 562 Jesus Christ, 14, chap, vi, 125, 175, 195, 209, 296, 299, 311, 313, 316, 318, 380, 413, 439. 442, 447-48, 517, 561, 569, 572; Order of, 608 Jews, 97-98, 103, 123-24, 158; in Mohammedan world, 174, 176, 184, 186; in Western Christendom, 123- 24, 178, 195, 325, 355, 358, 370, 372, 485, 494, 500, 560, 632; in eastern Russia, 230; and see Juda- ism Joan of Arc, 336, 528-29, 531 Joanna I, Queen of Naples, 586 Joanna II, 586 Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, 633-34 Jobst, imperial claimant, 539 John X, Pope, 227 John XXII, 561 John XXIII, 567-68, 572, 604 John, King of England, 444, 457-60, 466, 479-81, 487-88, 493-94, 509, 519, 562-64 John II, or the Good, King of France, 511,517, 519,522, 525 John II, King of Aragon, 586 John II, King of Portugal, 609, 632- 33 John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, 526 John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, 523, 525, 563, 628 John of Cappadocia, 129, 132 John of Ireland, or Erigena, 211, 373- 74 John of Monte Corvino, 394 John of Piano Carpini, 393 John, see Hunyadi, Huss, Wyclif, etc. John, Gospel of, 107 note Jonas, the monk, 159 Jordanes, 119, 127 Journeyman, 331-32 Jousts, 252 Jubilee, 504, 561 Judaism, 98, 103, 172, 175; and see Jews udas, 413 , uliers, 88 .ulius II, Pope, 607, 634, 636-37 ulius Casar, see Csesar . ulius Firmicus Matemus, see Fir- micus upiter, priest of, 4 ura Mountains, 12, 17, 542 unsts, Roman, 30-31; medieval, 434 ury, trial by, 206, 477-78; 627, 629 ust price, 332-33: and see Prices Justiciar, 458 Justin, 128, 131, 133 Justinian, chap, viii, 155, 178, 190, 206, 260, 342, 377, 413, 589 Jutes, 85, 118, 164 Juvenal, 39, 66, 99 Kaaba, 174, 176 % Kalmar Union, 547 Karakorum, 393 Keep, of castle, 247 Kent, 164, 167, 169, 220-21 Khalid, 176 Khan (or, Khagan), 57-58, 393, 548- 51 Khazars, 230 Kiev, 224, 230, 344, 549 King of the Romans, 615 Kings, 49, 120; Frankish, 192, 194, 202-07; Anglo-Saxon, 221-22; in feudal period, 256, 259; and pa- pacy, 287, 455-63, 466; their anger, 349; and communes in France, 361, 363; and universities, 391; Norman and Angevin, 459; French, 401; Scandinavian, 546-47, 577; and see Absolutism, Government, Royal King's Bench, Court of, 476 Kinship, in ancient city, 24; among early Germans, 47 Knighthood, 251-52, 297, 303, 308, 312, 324, 347, 349, 514; German, T 534, 539, 59i Knight service, 242, 257, 277 Knights of the Round Table, 406 Knights of the shire, 477-78, 482-84, 486, 488, 501; and see Dobrzin, Golden Fleece, Hospitalers, Rob- ber Knights, Templars, Teutonic Knights, etc. Koran, 172-73, 181, 191, 320 Korea, 183 Kosovo, 556 Kublai Khan, 550 Kumanians, 548-49 Laborers, Statute of, 518, 523-24 Labrador, 223 Laconia, 151 Ladislas I, Posthumous, King of Bo- hemia and Hungary, 571, 615 Ladislas II, 571, 615 Lady Chapels, 430 Laity, demand a greater share in the Church, 562, 569 Lake-dwellers, 3-4 Lambert of Hersfeld, 376 Lancaster, House of, 525, 531, 618, 627-29 Lancelot Malocello, 394 Lancet windows, 43 1

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