661 Indo-Germanic, see Indo-European Indulgences, 311-13, 323, 440-41, 446, 561-63, 568 Industrial Revolution, 340 Industry, 2, 12; of Roman Empire, 35-36, 67, 71, 73; Byzantine, 149; monastic, 161, 163; Mohamme- dan, 185-86; early medieval, 192, 237. 327; medieval, chap, xvii, 344, 364-65, 368, 388, 434, 487, 498, 631-32; and see Gilds Inferno, Dante's, 412-13, 588 Ingeborg of Denmark, 460 Innocent III, Pope, 304, 434-39, 444- 45, 447-67, 471, 478-79, 488, 493, 502-03 Innocent IV, 323, 470-71 Inquisition, 444, 446-48, 454, 477, 506, 561; Spanish, 574, 631-32 Insanity, 525-26, 633 Inscriptions, 4, 32, 44 Institutes, of Gaius, 143; of Justinian, 143; of Cassian, in Interdict, 438, 441, 454, 458, 464, 546 Interest, attitude toward taking, Roman, 35; medieval, 294, 355 Intermarriage, Germans and Romans, 213, 348; forbidden Jews and Chris- tians, 123; Europeans and Syrians, 320; between royal and feudal houses, 491, 533; of Spanish king- doms, 630 Interregnum, 470, 537-38 Invasions, see Germans, Nomads, Franks, Alamanni, Burgundians, Goths, Lombards, Anglo-Saxons, Bulgars, Avars, Arabs, Northmen, Magyars, Slavs, Almohades, Almo- ravides, Moors, Mongols, Turks, French invasions of Italy, etc. Inventions, 324, 375, 388, 587, 606 Investiture struggle, 283-87, 289, 291-93, 300, 305, 341, 346, 471 Iona, 166-67, 220 Ireland, 40, iii-i 2, 164-70, 220, 225, 261, 276, 278, 376, 398, 401, 434, 487 Irish Channel, 223 Irene, Byzantine Empress, 207 Irnerius, 377 Iron age, 4, 42 Iron-clad wagons, 570 Isabella, Queen of Castile, 574, 630- 33, 640 Isaurians, 79, 86-87, 128 Isidore of Seville, 125, 127, 211, 373 I sis, 63 Islam, chap. X, 216, 302, 309, 320, 324, 550, 554; and see Mohammedan- ism, Moslems Israel, Children of, 322 Istria, 342 Italian Lakes,. 542 Italian language, 260, 399, 411, 562, 588 Italian literature, 405, 410-15, 586- 88, 593-94, 596 Italian Renaissance, 210, 423, 432, 574, chaps, xxxi, xxxii, 633, 639 Italy, 11, 15, 19; ancient, 23-24, 26- 28, 33, 36, 53-54, 60-61, 67-68, 72; during the invasions, 78-81, 85-87, 90, 96, 109, in; early medieval, chap, vii, 128, 133, 136-40, 146-47, 150, 154-57, 166, 169-71, 180, 192, 194-98, 208, 210, 212-13, 222, 226- 27; feudal, 260-63, 265, 271, 279- 80, 292, 295, 305, 310; rise of cities, 313, 318-19, 322, 324-25, 331, 335- 36, 339-40, chap, xviii, 357, 362, 365-66, 369; medieval culture of, 374, 376-77, 389-90, 395, 401, 405, 410, 423, 431-32; in thirteenth cen- tury, 434, 450, 461-64, 467-68, 470- 72, 482-83, 503; in fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 505-06, 515, 532, 538, 540-4I, 560-61, 565-68, 573-74, chap, xxxi, 599, 601-02, 604-05, 614, 622, 632, 633-38, 640 Italy, central, 155, 196, 213, 227, 351, 421, 448, 461-63, 605 Italy, northern, 3-4, 42, 136, 170, 197, 213, 283, 289, 314, 341-42, 349-50, 352-53, 377, 399, 421, 580, 605, 637- 38 Italy, southern, 10, 20, 23, 60, 81, 138, 155; Byzantine, 196, 209, 265, 327; Lombard, 196; Saracen, 216, 226- 27; Norman, 225-26, 287, 289, 291, 301-02, 314, 343, 350, 377; Hohen- staufen, 461-63, 466-67, 469; An- gevin, 471, 497 Itinerant justices, 475-76, 492 Ivan III of Russia, 544, 551 Ivory carvings, 147 Jacobite Church, 184 Jacquerie, 521, 524 Jagello, 552-53 Jagellons, dynasty of, 55 2 ~53 Jails, Mohammedan, 185; and see Im- prisonment James I, King of Aragon, 304 Janizaries, 554 Japan, 183 Java, 393 Jean de Meun, 408 Jeanne d'Arc, see Joan of Arc Jenghiz Khan, 548 Jerome, St., 11-13, 154, *57 Jerome of Prague, 568-69 Jerusalem, 103, 106, 150, 152, 156,