659 93, 300, 310-12, 341, 459, 462, 471, 502-03 Gregory IX, 468, 470 Gregory XI, 565 Gregory XII, 567-68 Gregory of Tours, 119, 125, 127, 159 Grimoald, 193-94 Grotesques, 422, 426, 433 Guadalquivir River, 17, 186, 305 Guelders, 618 Guelfs, 350, 462 Guesclin, Bertrand du, 522 Guicciardini, 578, 594 Guienne, 497, 508, 512, 518, 626, 637; and see Aquitaine Guinea, 609 Guipuzcoa, 304 Guiscard, see Robert and Roger Gundobad, King of the Burgundians, 122 Gunpowder, invention of, 16, 388, 570, 587 Gutenberg, 594 Haarlem, 594 Hades, 412 Hadrian, Roman Emperor, 291 Hadrian I, Pope, 208 Hainault, 167, 270, 365, 616 Hakam II, Caliph of Cordova, 188 Hall, of castle, 249; largest vaulted, 354; university, 391 ; of thegns, 400; cathedral used as, 417 Hamburg, 334, 369, 546 Hamlet, 365 Hanse, 330, 367 Hanseatic League, 369, 532, 642-47, 551 Hapsburg, House of, 15, 537-42, 553, 571, 614-15, 621-22, 638 Harald Hardrada, see Harold Harbiyah quarter, 184 Hare, quoted, 371 Harfleur, 526 Harmony of Conflicting Canons, 377- 78, 382 Harold Fair-Hair, King of Norway, 218 Harold, Hardrada, 230, 276 Harold, King of England, 276 Hastings, battle of, 276 Health, 38, 154, 173, 337^38, 450; and see Disease, Medicine, Plague, Sanitation Hebrew, 114, 407 Hebrides, 166, 220 Hedwig, Queen of Poland, 552 Hegira, 14, 174 Heidelberg, University of, 390 Hell, 157, 412 Hellas, Hellenes, and Hellenic, see Greece, Greeks, and Greek Hellenistic civilization, 22-23, 9 8 , 181 Hellespont, 556 Heloise, 381 Henoticon, 108 Henry I, King of Germany, 227-28, 262, 305 Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor, 265, 270, 285 Henry III, 264, 285-86, 288, 300 Henry IV, 285-91, 293, 314, 341 Henry V, 291 Henry VI, 302, 322, 461-63, 468, 470 Henry VII, 538, 540-41 Henry, son of Frederick II, 467, 469 Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, 305, 307, 349, 462 Henry I, King of England, 274, 278, 293, 296, 380-81, 475, 480 Henry II, 260, 278, 295-98, 352, 363, 384, 457, 475-80, 487, 492^93 Henry III, 470, 481-83, 496-97, 499, 537 HenrylV, 511,525, 565 Henry V, 511,526-27 Henry VI, 511, 525, 527, 529, 627-29 Henry VII, 530, 628-30, 634, 640 Henry VIII, 298, 530, 630, 632, 637 Henry of Burgundy, Count of Por- tugal, 303 Henry the Navigator, Prince of Por- tugal, 394, 608-09 Heraclius, Byzantine Emperor, 150- 53, 177 Heraldry, 44, 252, 324 Hereditary succession, 195 Heresy, early, 101-02; Justinian and, 134; Gregory the Great and, 157- 58; under Mohammedan rule, 177, 190; medieval, 294, 323, 338, 405, 442-48, 450-51, 454, 464, 467-68, 47o, 504, 529, 534, 56i, 565, 567, 573, 632, 636; and see Anans, Gnosticism, Montanism, Mono- physites, Cathari, Waldensians, Lollards, Hussites, etc. Hermandad, Holy, 631 Hermann the Lame, 376 Hermits, 64, 109-11, 160-61, 516 Herodotus, 21, 45 note Hero-worship, 3, 6 Herzegovina, 453, 558 Hesse, 168, 539 Hide, 233, 235 High German, 398-99 Hildebrand, see Gregory VII, Pope Hilderic, King of the Vandals, 135 Hindu-Arabic numerals, 183, 386 Hippo, 95-96 Hippodrome, 130, 132-33, 148, 153, 196 Hired laborers, agricultural, 486