655 Epicureans, 62 Epirus, 79, 554 Equestrian statues, 604 Erfurt, University of, 390 Eric, King of Sweden, 218 Erigena, see John of Ireland Erythrean sibyl, 114 Erzerum, 550 Escheat, 241, 253, 354, 491 Esquire, 252, 486 Estates, 488, 490, 494, 500; provin- cial, 501-02, 519-21, 627; of Lan- guedoc, 501 Estates-General, 498, 501-02, 504, 519-21, 527, 538, 622-23, 625, 627 Este, House of, 580 Esthonia, 184, 544, 547 Ethelbert, King of Kent, 164 Ethelred II, King of England, 478 Ethics, 22, 389 Etymologies of Isidore, 125, 127 Eubcea, 465 Eucharist, 101, 569; and see Mass Euclid, 383 Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, 179 Eudes II, Count of Bloisand Chartres, 270 Eugenius, Roman Emperor, 78 Eugenius IV, Pope, 573 Eugippius, 116 Euphrates, 3, 184, 308, 316, 318; and see Tigris-Euphrates Euric, King of the West Goths, 118, 122 Euripides, 65, 98-99 Europe, 10-12, 14-17, 19, 24, 30, 40, 58, 71, 75, 114, 166, 189-91, 230, 233-34, 245-46, 260-62, 282, 287, 303, 308, 318, 330, 335, 341-42, 352, 367, 375, 377, 390, 393-95, 397- 99, 405, 434, 443, 448, 451, 455, 466, 469, 474-75, 489, 5H-I5, 546, 549, 554, 556, 558-59, 566, 573, 576, 583, 585, 587-88, 594, 608, 610-12, 614, 621, 632, 637-38 Europe, central, 140, 233, 355, 548 Europe, eastern, 12, 139, 314, 466, chap, xxix Europe, northern, 376, 583 Europe, southern, 546 Europe, western, 27, 72, 152, 161, 164, 190, 223, 233, 261, 269, 301, 308-12,322, 325,355, 373, 377, 397, 419, 430, 434, 459, 488, 532, 543, 546, 549-50, 561, 614, 633 Evidence, 205, 446-47, 477 Exarch and Exarchate, 135-36; and see Ravenna Exchequer, 492; Court of the, 476 Excommunication, 108, 288-91, 293, 297, 302, 314, 352, 441, 444, 447, 458-60, 463-65, 467-70, 505-06, 562, 568 Exile, 291, 348, 411, 578 Experiment, 13,388-89,397, 419, 598, 604, 606 Exploration, see Geography and Voy- ages of discovery Exports, from France forbidden, 503 Exposure of infants, 38, 46, 175 Extreme unction, 439, 564 Eyck, Van, 604 Eyeglasses, invention of, 388, 587 Ezekiel, Book of, 381 Ezzelino, 473 Fabliaux, 408-10, 414-15, 426, 515 Facade, cathedral, Romanesque, 421- 22; Gothic, 428-29; Early English, 430; Italian Gothic, 431; Renais- sance, 600 Fairs, 327, 364, 366-68, 372, 500 False Decretals, 280 Fame, love of, 578 Family, 31, 46, 48, 57, 338-39, 346, 348, 464, 560, 630 Family names, origin of, 324 Famine, 187, 312-13, 3*6 Faroe Islands, 220, 395 Fatimites, dynasty of, 180, 188, 229, 318,321 Favorites, royal, 482-83, 485, 497, 519, 522-23, 527, 623 Fealty, see Fidelity, oath of Federigo, King of Naples, 636; and see Montefeltro Fehm, see Vehm Fenestration, see Windows Ferdinand, King of Aragon, 574, 630- 34, 636-38, 640 Ferrara, 352, 580, 593, 603; Council of, 573, 59i Ferrante I, King of Naples, 586, 634- 35 Ferrante II, 635 Festivals, see Amusements Fetish worship, 45 Feud, 52, 172, 263, 348, 534, 628 Feudal aids, 243, 257, 477, 480-81 Feudal courts and law, 242, 256, 259, 268-69, 275, 277-79, 294, 319, 336, 475-76,488,491,497,507 Feudalism, 181, chaps, xiii, xiv, 280, 295, 301, 309, 370, 434, 469-70; Church and, 281-85, 287, 291-93, 302, 433, 441, 444-45, 455-56, 459- 61, 464, 467, 499; crusades and, 311-12, 314-15, 319, 321, 324-25, 417, 466; towns and, 327-30, 335, 346-48, 350, 354; literature and, 379, 397, 401-04, 407; in France, 357~ 64, 490-502, 504, 507-08, 512-14,