INDEX Ecclesiastical courts, see Church courts Ecclesiastical History, of Bede, 159, 168, 171 Ecclesiastical States, 264, 269, 467, 534. 618 Economic conditions, 5; Roman, 30- 31, 33-37, 39, 66, 70-71; medieval, 123, 203, 212, 217-18, 312, 469, 572, 576, 587. 594, 614, 616, 631-33; and see Business, Capital, Commerce, Industry, Interest, etc. Eddas, 42, 46, 217, 400 Eden, Garden of, 413 Edessa, 316, 318, 320 Edgar the Peaceful, King of England, 221, 275 Edict of Theodoric, 122 Edmund, son of Henry III of Eng- land, 470, 482 Edrisi, 382-84, 393-94 Education, American, 7; Spartan, 25; of Mithridates, 54; of Augustine, 96, 114; early Christian, 113; early medieval, 124, 133; of Justin and Justinian, 128; of a Gothic prince, 136; of Gregory the Great, 154; monastic, 163-64; moral, by Peni- tentials, 169; Mohammedan, 181, 185, 188; Charlemagne and, 210, 214-15; feudal, 252; at Cluny, 281; of Gregory VII, 286; Cister- cians and, 298; crusades and, 324; medieval, 374-92; by vernacular literature, 408; of Dante, 411; of Frederick II, 468; of Philip Augus- tus, 493; of St. Louis, 495; of his children, 496; of William Langland, 516; of Joan of Arc, 527, 529; of Spanish clergy, 574; of the Italian Renaissance, 592 ; effect of printing on, 594; of Charles V, 638; and see Learning, Universities Edward the Confessor, King of Eng- land, 276-76, 474 Edward I, King of England, 483-89, 499,503-04,511,538 Edward II, 484-86, 488-89, 499 Edward III, 484-85, 511-14, 517-18, _ 525, 563, 628 Edward IV, 511, _30 530, 618, 621, 628- Egbert, King of the West Saxons, 202, 220 E&ypt, 3, 19-23, 28-29, 34-35, 60-61, 03-64, 70; Christian, 109-10, 149- 5U Mohammedan, 177-78, 180, 183-84, 190, 318, 321-22, 358, 365, 549, 557, 609; modern, 191; and see Coptic Einhard, 199, 209 Elbe River, II, 17, 202, 209, 216 218, 228, 305, 307, 398 Eleanor, Duchess of Aquitaine, 278, 457, 492 Elections, of early German kings, 49; ecclesiastical, 120, 134, 291-92, 295, 456-59, 463, 471, 573; papal, 207-08, 285-87, 299, 352, 434, 503, 505-06, 565-68; imperial, 290, 462, 532-33, 537-40, 615; of doge of Venice, 342, 344; of other Italian magistracies, 347, 581-85; in towns north of the Alps, 357, 365, 370; of kings in Scandinavia and central Europe, 488-89, 546, 55i"53, 57 1, 615 Electors, Seven, 532-33, 538 Elements, 63, 379, 388 Ely Cathedral, 423 Emancipation, 67, 187, 255, 327-31, 335, 344, 347, 352, 358, 361, 370, 372, 516 Emir, 180, 318, 321 Emperor worship, 29-30, 62, 72, 103, 106, 115, 435 Empires, see Alexander the Great, Attila, Byzantine, Charlemagne, Frankish, Holy Roman, Latin, Mohammedan, Mongol, Roman Enamels, Byzantine, 147; of Limoges, 366 Encyclopaedias, 24, 125, 148 Engineering, Roman, 32, 35; Byzan- tine, 185; Renaissance, 605-06 England, 12, 16, 29; early history, 85, 159-60, 164, 167, 202, 206, 210, 220-23, 225-26; feudal, 235, 241- 42, 246, 261, 270, 274-78, 283, 287, 292-93, 295, 297-98, 312, 314, 321 ; towns and, 328, 330-31, .336, 352, 358, 366-68; medieval civilization in, 383-84, 387, 389, 398-400, 406, 409, 423, 430; national develop- ment, 434, 436, 444, 448, 450, 457- 60, 466, 470, 472, chap, xxv, 490, 492-501, 503, 506, 508, chap, xxvii, 532-33, 537, 543-44, 556, 560, 562- 63, 565-66, 568, 593, 595, 609, 612, 614, 618, 623, 627-30, 632-34, 637, 639-40; and see Britain English Channel, 12, 166, 226, 267, 297, 475, 487, 5H, 530 English language, 7, 222, 399, 474, 563 English literature, 400, 487, 516; and see Anglo-Saxon Entertainment, right of, 243 Enzio, 470 Ephesus, "Robber Council" of, 108 Ephthalites, 140 Epic poetry, 400-01, 406-07