653 289, 567-68, 573; by popes, 288-90, 459, 470; of the Byzantine Em- peror by crusaders, 465; of English kings, 459, 485, 525, 628; of Holy Roman Emperors by the electors, 533, 53 8 -39; and see Charles the Fat, and Miran Mirza Desiderius, King of the Lombards, 199-200 Despots, Italian, 411, 576-80, 584- 85, 590, 596, 598, 635 Devil, 64, 109, 528; and see Demons, Lucifer, Robert the Devil De vulgari eloquentia, 41 1 Dialectic, 379~8o, 383 Dialogues, of Gregory the Great, 158 Diaz, Bartholomew, 609 Dice, 252, 392 Dictatus, 288 Dictionaries, 590-91 Dienstrecht, 279 Dies Tree, 392 Diet, geography and, 12; Roman, 34, 37-38; early German, 44, 126; of nomads, 56; of Slavs, 139; at Con- stantinople, 149; monastic, 161, 175, 206; Mohammedan, 175, 186; Charlemagne's, 199; feudal, 249; on Fridays, 543-44; Michelangelo's, 606-07 Diet, German, or Reichstag, 636, 615; and see Roncaglia Digest of Justinian, 142, 377, 589 Dinan, 340 Dinant, 618 Dio Cassius, quoted, 68-69 Diocese, 437 Diocletian, Roman Emperor, 70-71, 86, 131, 435 Dionysius the Areopagite, 211 Dionysius Exiguus, 14 Diplomacy, 29, 138, 493, 498, 550, 554, 559, 578, 583-85, 594, 614, 632, 634 Disease, 38, 154, 322, 495; and see Health, Medicine, Plague Dispensation, papal, 561 Distraint of Knighthood, 486 Divination, 33, 45, 97, 106, 183 Divine Comedy, 412-15, 586 Divorce, 200, 253, 285, 294, 460, 492 Dnieper River, 17 Dobrzin, Knights of, 544 Doge of Venice, 341-44, 465, 580-82; palace of, 599 Domain, see Demesne and Royal Dome, 143-44, J 47, 4*9, 421-22, 599~ 601, 613 Domesday Book, 277, 367, 477 Domestic animals, 139 Dominic, St. 448-51 Dominicans, 448, 451, 634 Domremy, 529 Don River, 17, 58, 548-50 Donatello, 603-04 Donation of Constantine, 197-98, 214, 280, 593 Donation of Pepin, 197, 200 Donjon, of the castle, 247 Douai, 356-66, 498 Dover, 514 Drama, 25, 65, 374"75, 409, 593, 602 Drawbridge, 248 Dreams, 69, 408, 517 Dresden, 307 Dress, see Costume Dreux, 267 Drinking, in antiquity, 37-38; early German, 43, 45; forbidden by Mohammed, 175; at Cordova and Almeria, 186; by Charlemagne, 199; of monks, 175, 206; feudal, 249; of medieval students, 391-92; in Beowulf, 400; by St. Louis, 495; by Wenzel, 539 Dublin, 487 Ducat, 583 Duke, 135, 156, 169, 193, 196, 203, 221, 227, 259, 262, 264, 341, 351, 488, 534, 624 Dungeons, feudal, 249; of Louis XI, 624 Durazzo, 314 Durham Cathedral, 423 Dutch language, 398-99 Dutch people, 544, 612 Dutch towns, 365, 371-72 Duumvirs {duumviri or duoviri), 26 Dwarf gallery, 421-22, 428 Dwelling, see House Dyes, 388, 469 Dynasties, see Abbassids, Anjou, Capetian, Carolingian, Comnenian, Fatimite, Hapsburg, Hohenstaufen, Jagellons, Lancastrian, Macedon- ian, Merovingian, Ommiads, Plan- tagenet, Theodosian, etc. Ealdorman, 221, 276 Earl, 276-77, 481, 484 Early English architecture, 430-31, 487 Earthquakes, 87, 143 East Anglia, 220 Eastern Church, see Church Easter, 14, 167, 199, 264, 375, 468 East Franks, 189, 213, 227, 261-62, 305, 399 East Goths, 55, 75-76, 79, 87, chap, vii, 128, 136, 140 East Indies, 393 East Prussia, 544, 546, 552