651 Commons, House of, 477, 483-86, 501, 622-23, 564 Communes, defined, 335, 360; Italian, 346-59, 363, 368, 389, 410-11, 463- 64, 467-70, 473, 576-77; French, 357-63, 490-91, 494, 500-01; Flem- ish, 498; and civilization, 397, 417; of Netherlands, 617 Communication, 156-57, 203, 233; and see Roads, Travel Communion in both kinds, see Utra- quists Comnenian dynasty, 310, 465 Companies, see Mercenaries Compass, see Mariner's Compensation, see Wergeld Compiegne, 366, 521, 529 Compilations, Byzantine, 148; Ara- bian, 183; early medieval, 125; med- ieval, 397 Compostella, 188-89, 366, 456, 492 Concentric churches, 145, 147, 419 Conceptualists, 380 Conciliar movement, 572-74 Concordat of Bologna, 638 Concordat of Worms, 291 Condottieri, 576-77, 580 Conductores, 37 Conferences, of Cassian, in Confessions, of Augustine, 96 Confession, 440-41, 495 Confirmation, 439, 564 Congo River, 609 Congregation of Cluny, see Cluny Conrad I, King of the East Franks, 227-28, 262 Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor, 271, 285, 298 Conrad III, 320 Conrad IV, son of Frederick II, 323, ^ 47 ° ,. Conradm, 470-71 Consolamentum, 443 Consolation of Philosophy, 124-26, 222 Consortorie, 348 Constance, Council of, 540, 667-69, 572-73, 589. Constance, heiress of Sicily, 461 Constance, Lake o,f, 88, 167, 542 Constance, Peace of, 353, 468 Constantine the Great, 66, 71-72, 104-06, 142, 233, 263 Constantine, usurper in Britain and Gaul, 79 Constantine VI, Byzantine Emperor, 207 Constantine VII, Porphyrogennetos, 229 Constantinople, 14, 71, 73, 76, 78-80, 82-87, 90, 105, 121, 124, chap, viii, 154, 175-77, 179, 184, 196, 209. 224, 229, 268, 271, 308-10, 314-15, 321-24, 327, 341, 343, 375, 465-66, 548, 553-58, 583, 590-91; Councils of, 134, 283, 452; Patriarch of, 107- 09, 156757, 190, 195, 302, 466 Constantinus Africanus, 376-77, 379, 384 Constantius III, Roman Emperor, 81- 8 3 . Constitutional history, see Adminis- tration, Assemblies, Councils, Courts, Government, Kings, Law Constitutions of Clarendon, 296-98 Consuls, Roman, 69, 86, 121; Byzan- tine, 141; of medieval towns, 347, 351-54, 357-58, 377 Contract, feudal idea of, 258 Contracts, 294 Convivio, 411 Copenhagen, University of, 546 Coptic, Church, 109, 177-78; language, 407 Corbeil, 497 Corbels, 247-48, 422 Cordova, 180, 182, 185-86, 188-89, 200, 227, 302, 304, 309, 328 Corfu, 466 Corinth, 79; Isthmus of, 139 Cornhill, 516 Cornice, 600 Cornish dialect, 398 Cornwall, 398, 496, 537 Coronation, of Charlemagne, 208-09, 212, 215; of other emperors, 209-10, 261-62, 289, 350, 541, 548, 603; of the Dukes of Aquitaine, 272; of Peter II of Aragon, 455 Corpus Iuris, 143 Corsica, 118, 135-36, 155, 287, 313 Cortes, Spanish, 488-89, 631 Cosmogony, Dante's, 412-13 Coster, 594 Costume, 12, 38, 43, 114, 126, 147, 161, 173, 186, 188, 253, 320, 334, 336, 364-65, 392, 449, 496, 603, 605, 607, 623-24; and see Vestments Cotton, 186 Councils, of chiefs among early Ger- mans, 48; Grand or Great, in Ital- ian cities, 347; in French towns, 357-60; in Flemish towns, 365; English Great, 481-83; English Privy, 492; French, of State, 492; of regency, 494; of state and finance in Spain, 631; Venetian, of Ten, 581-82; of Forty, 581; Great or Grand, 581, 634 Count and County, 186, 193, 203, 205, 219, 221, 259, 264, 341, 346, 351, 364-65, 438,488,498-99,507, 512- 13, 524-25, 534, 624