INDEX Bills of exchange, 355 Biscay, Bay of, 226, 272, 304 Bishop, early Christian, 100, 102, 105- 06, 114; in early Middle Ages, 120, 155. 157, 162, 169, 187, 193, 203; in feudal period, 219, 221, 264, 280-81, 288-93, 295; relations with towns, 327, 341, 346, 349-50, 357, 360-61, 363, 369-70; relations to culture, 388, 391, 418, 422; in later Middle Ages, 436-39, 442-43, 447, 452, 457- 58, 463, 481, 484, 501, 534-35, 562, 574, 618 Bithynia, 35, 54, 68-69 Black Death, 514-16, 518, 523, 531 Black Forest, 88, 621 Black Prince, 517, 522-23, 525 Black Sea, 12, 17, 21, 34, 40, 53~55, 7i, 84, 224, 345, 515, 550, 552-53, 583 Blanche of Castile, 495 Blasphemy, 294 Blind arcade, 421-22, 428, 431 Blois, 270-71, 274, 528 Blok, quoted, 371 Bobbio, 170 Boccaccio, 593, 598 Boethius, 124-25, 222, 379 Bogomiles, 445 Bohemia, II, 202, 216, 228, 263, 307, 389, 430, 435, 455, 532-33, 537-38, 546, 561-53, 558-59, 561, 568-72, 615-16 Bohemian Brotherhood, 571 Bohemond, 310, 314-16, 319 Boiardo, 593 Bokhara, 551 Bolingbroke, Lord, 18 Bologna, 295, 351-52, 377, 381, 389- 90, 434, 470, 49i, 573, 586, 637-38 Boniface, Count of Africa, 83-84 . Boniface, Marquis of Montferrat, 464, 466 Boniface, St., 168-69, 171, 194 Boniface VIII, Pope, 446, 483, 501, „ 503-O5 Bonn, 88 Bookkeeping, 35 Booksellers, 185 Bordeaux 149, 179, 333, 358, 366, 522; Archbishop of, 437, 506 Borgia, House of, 635 Borgia, Caesar, 635 Borgia, Lucrezia, 635 Boris I, King of Bulgaria, 152, 228-29 Boroughs, English, 367-68, 484 Bosnia, 445, 549, 554 , 55 6, 558 Bosworth Field, battle of, 628 Botticelli, 605 Bourbon, House of, 626 Bourgeoisie, 408-09, 414, 494, 587, 022; and see Middle class Bourges, 267, 510, 529, 573, 622, 638; "King of," 527 Bouvines, battle of, 463 Bow, see Cross, and Long Brabant, Duchy of, 356, 448, 524, 616 Bracton, 476 Bramante, 607 Brandenburg, Mark of, 228, 305, 307, 533, 540, 547, 616 Bremen, 369 Brescia, 352 Breslau, 549 Brethren of the Sword, 308, 544 Bretigny, Treaty of, 514, 517-18 Breton dialect, 398 Breton March, 203 Bretons, 260, 406, 434, 522; and see Brittany Breviary of Alar ic, 122 Brie, 625 Brindisi, 314 Bristol, 368, 609 Britain, 19, 24, 29, 34, 36-37, 40, 75, 78-79, 84-86, 1 18-19, 122, 164, 166, 209, 328, 406 British Christians, 167, 169 British Empire, 261 British Isles, 11, 164, 166, 169, 192, 219-20, 384, 401, 474, 487, 561 ; and see Great Britain, Ireland, Hebrides, Orkneys, Shetlands, England, Scot- land Brittany, 118, 166, 170, 203, 213, 246, 273-76, 333, 340, 379, 398, 406, 442, 488, 493-94, 508, 513-14, 522, 625- 26; and see Breton Bronze age, 4, 42 Bronze, sculpture in, 603-04 Brotherhood of man, 31, 62, 174 Brotherhoods, medieval, 335, 571, 598, 631 Bruce, Robert, 488 Bruges, 365-67, 498-99, 524, 543, 628 Brunelleschi, 598-99, 601-03, 613 Brunhilda, 127, 159, 166, 401 Bruno, 374 Brussels, 618 Brutus, 413 Brythonic dialects, 398 Bulgaria, 308, 453, 455, 549, 554, 556 Bulgarians, 11, 139, 151-52, 228-29, 308 Bulgars, 58, 87, 139-40, 150, 548 Bull, papal, 503-04, 568 Bullion, from Spanish colonies, 632 Bureaucracy, 73 Burgos, 366 Burgrave, 540 Burgundians, 79, 81 ; Kingdom of the, 82, 84, 88-90, chap, vii; party of