EXERCISES AND READINGS The Character and Value of History. Questions to be answered orally or in writing as a result of personal reflection : — i. How does history differ from other subjects which you have studied? 2. Of what use to you personally has the history been which you have studied or read? 3. In what occupations is a knowledge of history most essential, and why? 4. How would you compare the historical point of view with the scientific or literary or philosophical or religious standpoints and methods? Historical Categories. When you come to read chapter 11 , hi, or IV, classify the contents of each paragraph according as they seem predominantly political, economic, social, religious, cultural, or geographical in character. Map-Work. On an outline map of Europe locate the following: — 1. Mountains: Alps, Apennines, Balkans, Pyrenees, Carpathians, Ural, Vosges, Cevennes, Jura. 2. Seas: Black, Caspian, iEgean, Adriatic, Baltic, North, White. 3. Rivers: Volga, Dnieper, Don, Vistula, Oder, Elbe, Danube, Po, Rhine, Rhone, Seine, Loire, Garonne, Guadalquivir. Political Geography of Modern Europe. 1. Name in order of populousness the six chief nations of Europe and state the form of government existing in each. 2. Name and locate what you consider the fifteen most important European cities to-day. 3. To what extent do the political boundaries of the present states of Europe coincide with natural boundaries? Historical Bibliography. A. Find two books consisting of selections translated from the original sources of medieval history; two secondary works on the early Middle Ages; two on the Middle Ages in general; two historical atlases usable in medieval history; and one book on each of the following subjects: the Roman Empire before 476 a.d., the decline of the Roman Empire, France in the Middle Ages, Germany in the Middle Ages, Italy in the Middle Ages. Give the following information concerning each book: author's last name followed by his initials; full title; place and date of publication and edition if other than the first; number of vol- umes or of pages if there is but one volume; whether the book has illustrations, maps, and index.