EXERCISES AND READINGS Life of Gerbert. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, pp. 376-405. Life of Abelard. Any one of the first five chapters in Joseph McCabe, Abelard (London, 1901). Miscellaneous Source Selections Illustrative of Medieval Learning. Robinson, Readings in European History, vol. I, pp. 438-61. The Intellectual Movement of the Thirteenth Century. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, pp. 458-73. Student Life. Rashdall, History of the Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, vol. II, chap, xiv (pp. 593-712). Carmina Burana. Well translated by J. A. Symonds, in Wine, Women, and Song. Natural Science in the Middle Ages. Thorndike, Popular Science Monthly (now called The Scientific Monthly), September, 191 5, pp. 271-91. Discovery of the Compass and the First True Maps (with illus- trations). Beazley, Dawn of Modern Geography, vol. Ill, pp. 508-19. Later Medieval Exploration. Ibid., vol. vm, pp. 1-8. The Book of Ser Marco Polo. Translated with full apparatus and notes by Yule in two volumes. A handier translation is that in Everyman's Library. For the narratives of Carpini and Rubruk see the readings at the end of chapter xxix.