EXERCISES AND READINGS The Papacy during the Carolingian Period. Emerton, Medieval Europe, pp. 41-88. Cluny. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, pp. 137-52. The Foundation Charter of the Monastery of Cluny. Ogg, Source Book of Medieval History, pp. 245-49. 1. When is the charter granted and by whom? 2. To whom is the grant made? 3. What is ceded and for what purpose? 4. What are the motives of the grantor of the charter? 5. On what conditions is the grant made? 6. What are to be the relations of Cluny to Rome? to all other powers? The Monastic Orders. D. C. Munro, A History of the Middle Ages, pp. 122-34. Henry III and Church Reform. Emerton, Medieval Europe, pp. 194-209. Gregory VII. Article in the eleventh edition of the Encyclopcedia Britannica. Investitures. Article in the Catholic Encyclopcedia. Canossa. A. H. Mathew, The Life and Times of Hildebrand (London, 1910) pp. 123-33. The Norman Sack of Rome. A. H. Mathew, The Life and Times of Hildebrand, pp. 229-41. Canon Law. Emerton, Medieval Europe, pp. 582-92. Monks of the Twelfth Century. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, pp. 153-58. St. Bernard. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, pp. 406-31. Ogg, Source Book of Medieval History, pp. 250-60.