CONTENTS I. The Study of History . i ^ II. The Roman Empire . V . . . . 19 III. The Barbarian World outside the Empire .... 40
- IV. The Decline of the Roman Empire 60
/ V. The Barbarian Invasions 75 /VI. "The City of God" A 95 j VII. German Kingdoms in the West 117 â– JjVIII. Justinian and the Byzantine Empire 128 IX. Gregory the Great and Western Christendom | .154 X. The Rise and Spread of Mohammedanism I . . .172 XL The Frankish State and Charlemagne 192 XII. The Northmen and Other New Invaders .... 216 XIII. The Feudal Land System and Feudal Society . . 232 XIV. Feudal States of Europe 256 t XV. The Growth of the Medieval Church . . . . 280 XVI. The Expansion of Christendom and the Crusades | . 301 XVII. The Rise of Towns and Gilds 327 "1
- XVIII. The Italian Cities 341
XIX. French, Flemish, English, and German Towns . . 357 XX. The Medieval Revival of Learning .| 373 XXI. Medieval Literature . . . 397 XXII. The Medieval Cathedrals . V 4 l6 - XXIII. The Church under Innocent III . | 434 XXIV. Innocent III and the States of Europe J . . . . 455 fXXV. The Growth of National Institutions in England . 474 } J