EXERCISES AND READINGS ICONOCLASM. Foord, The Byzantine Empire, chap, x, pp. 180-202. Bury, Later Roman Empire, vol. II, book VI, chaps, in, VI, x. The Donation of Constantine. Henderson, Historical Documents of the Middle Ages, pp. 319-29. 1. What subject is discussed on pages 320-21? 2. Write a brief synopsis of the story of Constantine's cure and conversion narrated on pages 322-23. 3. What is the chief point discussed on pages 324-25? 4. List the gifts and privileges bestowed by Constantine upon the pope, the Church, and the clergy. Personality of Charlemagne. Einhard, Life of Charlemagne, translated by S. E. Turner. (New York, 1880.) The Capitularies. Translations and Reprints of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. vi, no. 5. A. Capitulatio de partibus Saxonice (pp. 2-5). 1. Make lists of previous pagan rites and beliefs of the Saxons, and of Christian customs and observances mentioned in these laws. 2. Which articles show the clergy assisting and participating in government and justice? 3. Which articles deal primarily with judicial and legal rather thar religious matters? 4. What social classes are mentioned? 5. What government officials are named? 6. Explain the terms, ban, solidi, fidejussor. B. Capitularies relating to Education (pp. 12-15). 1 . List the arguments presented in favor of education. 2. What persons are to be educated? 3. In what is their training to consist? C. General Capitulary for the Missi (pp. 16-27, arts. 1-9, 16-24, 3 2 - 39). 1. What, judging from articles 1-9, were at this period regarded as the chief duties of a citizen? (See chapter xin in this book for an explanation of "serfs" in article 4 and of "benefice" in article 6.) 2. What impression of the morality of the clergy of that time do you receive from articles 16-24? 3. Compare the attitude toward murder in article 32 with the modern attitude. 4- What is article 39 about? Charlemagne's Private Estates. Translations and Reprints of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. HL no. 2, pp. 2-5: or Of?g, Source Book for Medieval History, pp. 124-29,