461-431 B.C. Age of Pericles 451-449 B.C. Twelve Tables of Roman Law 336-323 B.C. Reign of Alexander the Great 31 B.C.-14 A.D. Reign of Augustus Caesar and foundation of the Roman Empire A.D. 70 Destruction of Jerusalem 98 Germania of Tacitus 98-117 Reign of Trajan; Roman Empire at its greatest extent 1 61-180 Reign of Marcus Aurelius; signs of decline 227 Persian Kingdom replaces the Parthian 251 Decius defeated and slain by the Goths 284-305 Reign of Diocletian * 325 Council of Nicsea called by Constantine the Great J 378 Battle of Adrianople 395 Death of Theodosius the Great 410 Sack of Rome by Alaric 413-426 The City of God of Augustine >/ 419 Kingdoms of West Goths and Burgundians in southwestern and southeastern Gaul 438 The Theodosian Code 439 Carthage captured by the Vandals 440-461 Pope Leo the Great / c. 450 Britain invaded by the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes 451 Battle of the Catalaunian Fields or Chalons 455 Valentinian III assassinated Rome sacked by the Vandals 466-484 Reign of Euric, King of the West Goths; conquest of Spain begun 476 Transition from the Roman to the Byzantine Empire / 48 1-5 1 1 Reign of Clovis, King of the Franks 493~5 2 6 Reign of Theodoric, the East Goth, in Italy 518-565 Reigns of Justin and Justi nian J 529 The Rule of St. Benedict * ==s *^ y/ 533 The Digest or Pandects of Justinian 534 Byzantine conquest of North Africa from the Vandals Frankish conquest of the Burgundian Kingdom 555 Byzantine conquest of Italy from the East Goths 565 Mission of St. Columba to Iona, Scotland 568 Lombards invade Italy Avars invade central Europe 582 Fall of Sirmium 590-604 Pope Gregory the Great y