described in the Bible; (b) trivial coincidences or fortunate occurrences which the imagination of the time has exalted to the miraculous; (c) miracles which do not seem necessary nor mor- ally justifiable. 8. Find a passage containing allegorical interpretation. Passages from the Writings of Gregory the Great. Robinson, Readings in European History, vol. I, selections numbered 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 37. The Rule of St. Benedict. Henderson, Select Historical Documents of the Middle Ages, pp. 274-314. Thatcher and McNeal, Source Book of Medieval History, pp. 432-84. Extracts from Bede's Ecclesiastical History. Robinson, Readings, supra, vol. 1, selections 38 to 42 (pp. 93-105). The Career of Boniface. Robinson, Readings, supra, vol. I, selections 43 to 46 (pp. 105-11). B. Secondary Accounts Gregory the Great. Cambridge Medieval History, chap. 8B, by W. H. Hutton; or a chapter of Dudden's two-volume Gregory the Great. Celtic Monasticism. H. B. Workman, The Evolution of the Monastic Ideal, pp. 183-216, omitting the footnotes. The Economic Influence of the Monasteries. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, pp. 129-36. Faith and Morals of the Franks. Munro and Sellery, op. cit., pp. 60-86. Christian Missions in Gaul and Germany. Munro and Sellery, op. cit., pp. 114-28. C Map Exercise Italy at the Time of Gregory the Great. Upon an outline map of Italy indicate the Lombard Kingdom, the Duch- ies of Friuli, Spoleto, and Benevento, and the exarchate of Ravenna.