Resemblances between Stoic Philosophy and Christianity. Robinson, Readings in European History, vol. I, pp. 14-17. Botsford, Source-Book of Ancient History, pp. 510-16. Note those passages which you think resemble Christian thought and writing, and also any that show a different point of view. Persecution of Christians under Marcus Aurelius. Translations and Reprints of the University of Pennsylvania, vol. IV, no. 1, pp. 10-19. Rise of the Papacy. Robinson, Readings in European History, vol. 1, pp. 63-73. Church Fathers. The writings of many church fathers, including Augustine's City of God, may be found in close English translation in two sets of volumes called The Ante-Nicene Fathers, and The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. An hour employed in turning the leaves of one or two vol- umes and reading a bit here and there will be well spent. One should beware of the translation of The City of God in the Temple Classics, as it omits a great deal, is misarranged, and numbers the books in- correctly. Persistence of Paganism. Dill, Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire, pp. 3-26, M The Pagan Aristocracy and the Confusion of Parties." Early Christian Art. Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 1, pp. 598-613. MONASTICISM TO THE FlFTH CENTURY. Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 1, pp. 521-32. H. B. Workman, The Evolution of the Monastic Ideal (1913). Chap. L "The Ideas of Monasticism " (pp. 1-74); chap. 11, "The History of Monasticism" (pp. 75-136). These chapters are subdivided into sec- tions, in case shorter readings are desired. The Life of St. Severinus, by Eugippius, has been recently translated into English for the first time by G. W. Robinson.