could play football to a certain point, but he never
could get beyond that point. It is probable that all the coaches in the country, working together on him in relays, would have failed to make Clem play any better than he had played last year or would play this. But if he lacked football genius he was long on popularity. Every one knew Clem Henning and every one liked him.
The cheer wasn't given, but the selection met with sounds of approval from all. "Cocky" went on, briskly now:
"We're going to start right at the very bottom, fellows. No one who can't make a good tackle or handle the ball properly is good enough for this outfit. We'll have some passing now to warm up, and as soon as the First is through with the dummy we'll go down there, and eat some dirt. We'll divide the squad, Captain Henning, and you'll take half and I'll take half. All right, let's have those balls, Hoppin. Over here, a bunch of you. Now then, Scrub, let's get going!"