with what you've done, and proud of your team, the
team that showed the big team how to win!
"I've handled this team for four years, fellows, and I've always enjoyed it, always taken pride in it, always felt a mighty lot of satisfaction, when the season was done, over my part in the victory or the defeat that came to us. Because you mustn't think, any of you, that there isn't honor in defeat. The team that plays cleanly, gallantly, fights its hardest when Luck turns its back, is downed and won't stay downed, wins honor indeed. Well, now, here we are. Twenty of us. 'Mr. Babcock's Team,' the 'Second' or the 'Scrub.' Call yourself what you like. It doesn't make much difference what we're called or what we call ourselves, so long as we do what's expected of us with all our might. So let's get together, fellows, and show Wyndham the finest, fightingest Second Team it has ever seen! Remember this, too. You're not only helping to win the Wolcott game this year, you're training yourself for next year. You Second Team fellows will be First Team fellows next fall. Most of you, anyhow. It isn't unlikely that one or two of you will get to the big team this season. Just show Mr. Otis that you've got something the First Team needs, and you won't stay here long!
"Just so that it won't be all work and no play, I've arranged three outside games for you. We'll play Freeburg High School a week from next Saturday, Minster High School on November third, and the Wolcott Second Team on November tenth. We could