During the rest of that evening, and most
of the following day a new rumor was to be
met at every corner. Excitement was followed
by consternation as the school came to a fuller
realization of the gravity of the catastrophe. A new
coach could be found to direct the Team's course for
the rest of the way, but he would be handicapped from
the start by a lack of knowledge both of the men he
was to handle, and of the foundation already constructed
by his predecessor. He might, too, fail to
command the confidence of the players. The report
that Mr. Hilliard was to take charge met with little
enthusiasm. "Pinky" doubtless possessed the advantage
of Mr. Otis's confidence, and he knew the ground,
but few of the First Team credited him with the qualities
required of a successful coach. Oddly enough, the
solution of the quandary arrived at by the Athletic
Committee Tuesday occurred to few beforehand. The
Committee's decision was awaited impatiently. The
rumored meeting did not take place Monday evening,
and until after dinner on Tuesday the school had to
be satisfied with speculation. Then, at last, the news
was out.