I'm going to be up against it, anyway, but if I bust
in on him all smeared up with your gore it's going to make it a heap worse, isn't it?"
Clif scowled in puzzlement. His wrath was melting fast, and the fact made him feel rather ridiculous. He unclenched his hands, thrust them into his pockets and summoned a note of contempt. "I hope he kicks you out," he declared. But the words lacked conviction. The fact was that the strange chap, in spite of his behavior and in spite of the detestation in which Clif held him, sort of worked on your sympathies! Now he nodded agreement.
"Yes, I guess maybe that would be best," he said. He arose slowly, with a deep sigh, and stared morosely over the wide stretch of lawn that, beyond a single formal bed of scarlet geraniums and coleuses, led from the school building to the village road. Clif watched him frowningly. A straight bodied, finely built chap, and, to an unprejudiced observer, extremely good-looking, with hair that held a glint of bronze where the sun reached it, deeply tanned skin, dark gray eyes, a short nose and a rather assertive chin. If, thought Clif, the fellow wasn't such a rotter—
Then the rotter turned and looked moodily at him. "You might wish me luck, you know."
Clif laughed ironically.
"Because," the other went on as he moved toward the wide doorway, "if he turns me down I'll be out of this dump in an hour. If he doesn't I'll see you in the morning. By the way, where do I find you?"