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lii Boehme's (Jacob) The Signature of All Thm' gs. with Other Writi .

‘I Introduction by Clifford Bax. 569 nga

is ’ Browne’s Religio Medici. etc. Intro. by Professor C. H. Herford. 92 my Bunyau’s_Grace Abounding and Mr Badman. Introduction by G. B, lk Harrison. 815 (See aLso Roussos)

 _ Burton’s (Robert) Anatomy of Melancholy. Introduction by Holbrook

A ( Jackson. 3 vols. 886-8 j V Butler’s Analogy of Religion. Introduction by Rev. Ronald Bayne. 90

 i  — Descartes' (René) A Discourse on Method. Translated by Professor John

in , Veitch. Introduction by A. D. Lindsay. 570

—» . J. Ellis’ (Havelock) Selected Essays. Introduction by J. S. Collis. 930

5 j L C·ore’s (Charles) The Philosophy of the Good Life. 924 { Hindu Scriptures. Edited by Dr Nicol Macnicol. Introduction by

 i Rabindranath Tagore. 944

B Hobbes' Leviathan. Edited, with Intro. by A. D. Lindsay, M.A. 691 Q_ A Hooker’s Ecclesiastical Polity. Intro. by Rev. H. Bayne. 2 vols. *201-2 ‘· ` Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature, and other Philosophical Works. of ;· Introduction by A. D. Lindsay, M.A. 2 vols. 548-9

 James (William): Selected Papers on Philosophy. 739
I  I Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Translated by J. M. D. Meiklejohn.
 Q Introduction by A. D. Lindsay, M.A. 909

K2 _ Keble’s The Christian Year. Introduction by J. C. Sbairp. 690

 King Edward VI. First and Second Prayer Books. Introduction by the
5, Q Right Rev. Bishop of Gloucester. 448

Q4 I L Koran, The. Rodwell’s Translation. 380 ,6 I Latimer’s Sermons. Introduction by Canon Beechlng. 40 ii; M Law’s Serious Call to a Dovout and Holy Life. 91

 J Leibniz’s Philosophical Writings. Selected and trans. by l\Iary Mon-ig.
 Introduction by C. R. Morris, M.A. 905
 Locke’s Two Treatises of Civil Government. Introduction by Professor
 . William S. Carpenter. 751
  [0 Malthus on the Principles of Population. 2 vols. 692-3

12 ‘ Mill’s (J ohn Stuart) Utilitarianism, Liberty, Representative Government. i} P With Introduction by A. D. Lindsay, M.A. 482

 ,, Subjection of Women. (Sec Wollstonecraft, Mary, under SCIENCE)
   More's Utopia. Introduction by Judge O’Hagen. 461
 A A New Testament. Arranged in the order in which the books came to the
   Christians of the First Century. 93
 iprii Newman’s Apologia pro Vita Sue. Intro. by Dr Charles Satolca. 636
 ` (See also Essays)
 A Nietzschei Thus Spake Zarathustra. Trans. by A. Tille end M. M. Bozman.
  i Paine's Rights of Msn. Introduction by G. J. Holyoake. 718 [892

E2 Pascal’s Pcnsees. Translated by VV. F. Trotter. Introduction by

   T. S. Eliot. 874 {CIE. 403
 QV Ramayana and the Mahabharato., The. Translated by Romesh Dutt,
   Renan’s Life of J csus. Introduction by Right Rev. Chas. Gore, D.D. 805
   Rcbertson’s (F. W.) Sermons on Christian Doctrine, and Bible Subjects,

ij ,».`..i Each Volume with Introduction by Canon Burnett. 3 vols. 37-9

   (Note: No. 37 is md of print.)
 QE Robinson’s (Wade) The Philosophy of Atonement and Other Sermons.
 "if Introduction by Rev. F. B. Meyer. 637
 . Qi Rousseau’s (J. J.) The Social Contract, etc. 660. (See also Essays)
 St Augustine? Confessions. Dr Pusey’s Translation. 200
 1. St Francis: The Little Flowers, and The Life of St. Francis. 485
`  Secley’s Ecco Homo. Introduction by Sir Oliver Lodge. 305
   Selecgon from St3Thomas Aquinas. Edited by The Rev. Father M. C,
 'Arcy. . I · (
   Spinozafs Ethics. etc;   yrls T ranslated by Andrew J. Boyle. With) Intro- I
 I duction by Professor Santayana. 481   _ I I I
 Swedenborg’s (Emmanuel) Heavenand Hell. I 379. I ;       .
 —   ‘ »·¤ r‘r, ..   4      5, — (I2fTh¤(_Dirmc.` Providence. .6€>8     I   .   YY sl I
 ¥.* zi. IIi.IIs     .r.(»...IiIsI...r   ..»..   ~,I..I *1 Iyyi   iscr   The (II.  cumin B¢¤si¤¤· is 893‘.ir~· h .i(Io   .     I
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